Grand Duke, I Like You, But Please Die!


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I found myself in the failed novel I wrote, in a position where I had to kill the villain and my favorite character, the Grand Duke.

I tried my best, thinking there was no choice if I wanted to survive……

“Slow. Too light and weak.”

Kaiel’s hands tightly gripped Delia’s wrists, which were holding the dagger.

“To stab properly, you should have aimed here. Again.”

It was another failure. He even blatantly gave me a chance, but my resolve to kill him crumbled like the wind.

“……Let me go.”


Soon, his large hand gently pressed down on Delia’s back.
As a result, she collapsed helplessly onto his broad chest.
He pulled her completely into his embrace.
The more she struggled, the deeper she was pulled into him.

“Is today’s attempt over? Then sleep here.”
“……I want to go. Let me go.”
“It’s an order.”

He patted her back a couple of times as if to soothe her.
Along with a low whisper in her ear.

“Good night, Delia.”

He held her tightly, making it impossible to escape, rough yet infinitely warm.
……This is a big problem.

‘At this rate, I can’t kill you!’

The more my feelings grew, the less I could stay by his side.
So I ran away. To distance myself from him.

“Bring her back.”
“But Miss is already in the palace…….”

What should I do with these feelings that have grown uncontrollably?

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대공님, 좋아하지만 죽어 주세요
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