Grace in Wonderland


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Grace Gurton has been harboring a one-sided love for months.

The object of her affection is Richard Spencer, the Young Earl of Spencer.

Heir to the Spencer family, an aristocracy older than the royal family itself and standing at the king’s side, and Captain of the Rugby Club at Christ Church College.

The embodiment of refined, aristocratic elegance. Impeccably perfect attire.

A masculine and handsome face, combined with a towering height that stands out anywhere.

A rugged and god-like ferocity on display during rugby matches, as though the god of war himself has descended.

From afar, Richard Spencer appeared flawless.

At least, until Grace received an adoption proposal from Lady Mary Montague, Richard’s aunt.

And until she discovered the reality of Richard Spencer, a self-centered narcissist who seems to live as though the world revolves around him.

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