Got a Job in Joseon


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The artist Miyu had discovered.

Jeong Sol, a promising new artist.

She had worked hard for a year to win hearts, but a large gallery had snatched her away!

“Ugh, this is unfair!”

She had vowed not to let it end easily, but the money she had saved and invested for five years had already been completely gone, and she had to start from scratch.

At that moment, when she had no idea how to overcome the wall of reality, she was swallowed up by a pure white light!

“What is this place?” “It’s Gwangju Songpa Market, where is it?”

The light disappeared, and Miyu stood in a different world, a world that was so similar to the past Joseon.

And the person who had never seen Miyu like this before, Mr. Park Man-dol of the merchants’ association, had hired her.

“So you said I came here to work, right?”

“I guess you came here because your circumstances were tough, so work hard. This world is all about money these days.”

“Of course, money is everything!” I don’t know what happened, but let’s make money first!

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