“Goodbye,” You Waved Your Hand


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Seiichi, who reunited with his cousin Keisuke after ten years when Keisuke came to Tokyo for work, was overwhelmed with guilt. Ten years earlier, during a summer when they were high school students, they had fallen in love. Seiichi had promised Keisuke, “I’ll come back for you after I graduate.” However, as Seiichi settled into city life, his feelings for his cousin in the countryside faded, and he broke that promise. Yet, Keisuke never blamed him for not returning. This is a bittersweet adult love story that explores the relationship between a man who loves faithfully and another who takes advantage of that unwavering devotion.

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October 26, 2024
Status: --
The main story was emotional and angsty. I loved it but god do I wish that side couple never happened. It was incredibly messed up. Why did the son have to go through that? And the revolting interest of that random stranger in the bar - wanting tips - ugh. Wanted to throw up. The son just wanted affection and love from adults - platonic. He was betrayed in the worst way possible but couldn't let go because he had no one else. It's just so f*cking sad.
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