Good Night, Liang Xiao


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A short, sweet office romance set in the bustling city. Feelings bloom between two corporate dogs as they work overtime with each other.

“Good night” = “I love you”

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  4. Infatuated/Obsessed/Crazy in love ~ SHOU
  5. This is where realistic relationship looks like.

Latest Release

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02/09/22 Dummy Novels c5
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3 Reviews sorted by

waterlemon rated it
February 12, 2022
Status: Completed
Hi everyone! Translator here, just wanna give my two cents on this novel. It's a short modern office romance between the gentle and disciplined Ye Ji'an (shou) and outwardly weak (but secretly a rich young master) Liang Xiao (gong). Working together, doing overtime together, eating together, spending time together... they slowly get closer and romance blooms. The story is 100% sweet with no angst. If it's your cup of tea, do give it a go!

Some warnings:

  1. Ye Ji'an is Liang Xiao's superior at work. But there's definitely no coercion of any sort!
  2. Ye Ji'an (shou) is older than Liang Xiao (gong) by 7 years
  3. Ye Ji'an was originally straight... Liang Xiao bent him (good job Liang Xiao!). LX was always gay
  4. Some suicidal thoughts from Ye Ji'an due to pressure from work
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guanshanie rated it
August 9, 2022
Status: Completed
highly recommended if you want a light read and story full of fluff! They're so cute and there's no angst

btw you should check out their manhua too! The art is beautiful and personally I really love it <3

i used mtl in gongzicp to finished it btw ><

if you want to read the mtl version to continue since the fantl hasn't finished yet, you can read it on gongzicp and don't worry cause it's free!
4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Tinytofu rated it
January 10, 2023
Status: c18
Started this and just realized it's not completed after getting to the last translated chapter and I cry :' (This is such a sweet story and I just love them please.

I need it completed pleaseeee
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