Global Game: Just Here for the Achievements


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(No Female Lead + Decisive and Ruthless + Infinite Flow, Non-Savior Protagonist, Proceed with Caution)

“Are you tired of being ordinary? Do you crave power? If you want to break free from mediocrity and possess overwhelming strength, then join this game.”

Ye Shuangluo is chosen by a mysterious game as a candidate player. As a player, he faces opponents from parallel timelines and multiverses. Fortunately, Ye Shuangluo awakens a unique talent: “Achievement Master.” By completing a series of achievements, he can gain countless…

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Recommendation Lists
  1. CN Male Protagonist NO Romance NO Harem

Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/11/24 Wuxia100 c4
08/11/24 Wuxia100 c3
08/11/24 Wuxia100 c2
08/11/24 Wuxia100 c1
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