Glass Studio Alchemist


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Fluorite Luver is the heir of Baron Luver. Through meeting Lava, the fire spirit Salamander, he remembers his past life as a glass craftsman. This world is filled with spirits, divine beasts, and gods, as well as monsters. Instead of science, there are magical tools, and instead of electricity, there are magic stones. It is a world of swords and magic. Various technologies are hidden away in guilds and workshops. In remote villages, people live in fear of monsters and are thin from heavy taxes.

Even in the manor of Baron Luver, the ruler of the land, there are no glass windows. There isn’t even a blacksmith’s workshop, let alone a glass workshop. Food is scarce in this small, poor territory on the frontier. Despite all this, five-year-old Fluorite, also known as Luo, makes a decision. He will become a glass craftsman in this world!

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  1. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (JP On-Going)

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aborednerd rated it
August 7, 2024
Status: c11
Dropping this here. The MC is too incompetent. The author gave MC memories from a previous life, enough that he knows how to glass (though needs to experiment to figure out materials). However, he is strangely regarded as below average in education areas, and lacks understanding of previous world common sense. Spoilers for specific examples:

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MC is taught calculations at the age of 5. There should be some expression of surprise that the MC learns it in 1 attempt and quickly moves on. Or that the MC has to hold himself back to seem like more of a child.

In the chapter I dropped this, the MC with presumably at least teenage level memories, asked how people bought things. Not in a clever attempt to seem like a child, but as in I don't understand the concept of money.


I think my issues could be fixed with a re-write where the MC gains his memories later in life and reflects on his childhood, but the way he acts as someone who should have at LEAST teenage level modern world understanding is just too incongruous. <<less
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