Gifting You With A City that Will Never Be Isolated


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In a quiet corner of the world, the mortal delight you indulged for me is my most romantic of my eternity.

A never-isolated city I received, a mini forever I shall return.


“Gifting You With a City That Will Never Be Isolated details the romance between an awkward, quiet, introverted and socially handicapped female lead and a good-natured and sweet male lead.

Their romance, in fact, is a steady stream that flows unnoticed slow if one doesn’t pay attention.

This novel isn’t the most exciting, nor the most captivating – but it’s a sweet, lovely novel detailing the sweet and ordinary love between two common folks, and perhaps best expresses what healthy, ordinary relationships should aim to be like. It’s a story about growth, about trust, and about how a healthy relationship can really help one to change for the better.”

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Gifting You with a City That Will Never Be Isolated
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  1. CNovels
  2. A breath of fresh air
  3. TBR list (CN)
  4. Straight Modern Romance
  5. Loved

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ApolloAresZues rated it
July 29, 2021
Status: Completed
This was a really good book. The sort of goodness that's like a candle, you dont sense it at first until it slowly permeates the air and then you're engulfed in it. It's a very quiet, very moving read. Like a river. I loved the main couple, they were the absolute best in my opinion. I also really enjoyed the pacing and the development. There were a couple of hitches and loose ends, which I will explain, but nothing seemed enough for me to not make it a 5 star... more>> read. I'll go into the details now.

So we have our very lovely FL, Bo Zi Ran (BZR) who is currently a 23 year old graduate student. Shes engaged in her studies and distances herself both physically and emotionally from all the people in her life, like a bystander looking in. Shes the quiet, antisocial sort who has problems communicating and getting along with others. She can frequently come off as cold and clinical, but shes actually really warm and feeling, and lonely. I really adored her character, especially because she realizes she has a problem with making friends and talking to others, so she goes out of her way to join a club she has no interest in, in order to improve her social habits. She even later

gets help from a psychologist recommended by the ML.

Seeing her really wanting to improve and clumsily making steps, is really a highlight of the book.

Back to the plot, BZR joins a book club that arranges to meet at a library. Unfortunately, the club is less active than she thought, making it awkward for her. At one point people even stop attending. She ends up being the only one that comes to the appointments. This is how she meets the ML, Cheng Jing Bo (CJB). CJB is a 28 year old professor at a neighboring college (not her college). He partly owns the library and is there to attend the club (I think, my memory is blurry). When they meet, I would have to say in the FLs case its love at first sight. She just wasnt able to recognize it. This makes her comfortable around him and makes her want to actively talk and be with him, never realizing her feelings. The ML is a very mature and very gentle man. Hes polite and able to maintain distance well, but gives off an air of reassurance and stability. A warm calmness.

For the skittish FL, hes basically the perfect talking partner. They continue to meet for the book club appointments, talking and discussing, becoming more interested in each other. Life also brings them together through coincidences. This period of time is so nice. To be honest, I could totally see why they appealed to each other. During the novel, there is a book FL cherishes and quotes alot. It's about a young girl running away from her loving family and going off on adventures. The girl does a bunch crazy of things outside, even falling in love with a man and getting her heartbroken, but she always returns to the harbor that is her family, more specifically her gentle and calm older brother. FL idolizes the brother in the book, his calm tranquility and stability, so much so that when she sees ML, it's like all the puzzle pieces click in place. He was what she'd been waiting for.

Yall, I found that so romantic and special. It fit their characters so much. FL is a lonely soul who no one, not even her family members understand. They dont hate her, but they're very distant from her because they her mother is remarried and doesnt understand her, while also having the new family to care for. You cant help but feel bad for FL. So you can see why she loved the brother in the book so much, who would help his sister no matter what and take her back no matter what she did. Unconditional love and support was what she lacked. ML gave that to her.

In MLs case, he hadnt been searching for someone as much as he'd stumbled upon someone who seemed to suit him so much. You can also see why he liked her. He felt pained for her, wanted to protect her, soothe her, and stand by her side. He wanted to teach her (voluntarily lol), about life and love. I feel like if his gentleness before with the rest of the world was innate politeness, than his gentleness with her was indulging and doting. His feelings werent obvious immediately, but you could tell he was doing and interacting with her in a way he had refused to with any other women. And once he started making those exceptions (accepting requests he normally wouldn't, going out of his way) you just knew she'd hooked him as much as he had her. In it's on way, I also think he fell in love with her at first sight. Or maybe saw the potential for him to love her? Like the title, when he first sees her sitting at the library desk with one lonely lamp lit, he instantly thinks shes like a isolated city or island. He just doesnt realize that he wants to be the one to accompany her out of her isolation.

To explain it, they were what the other had been desiring and waiting for.

When they finally get together, they're such a lovely couple. FL is the shy type, while ML is more subtly flirtatious. But hes patient with her as she sorts through these new feelings and experiences. They're both each others first relationship and first love. I really enjoyed the way the relationship was handled, how seriously it was taken on both sides. I think alot of people forget nowadays that dating for the sake of dating is fine, but its actually supposed to be though of in the mindset of getting married. This couple takes that aspect seriously. Discussing future plans and events, not coldly, but in a way that's such a reassurance. Like yes, when we eventually marry, itll be like this. It was so warm. This couple really had me sighing and sad I didnt have what they have.

One thing I also found interesting was the way FL basically saw him as a soul mate and not just a boyfriend or lover. Frequently her desire for a "loving brother" is expressed and she even calls ML brother. ML at one point even thinks she thinks of him as a dad lol. But I found it more that, she viewed him not only as a lover she can share romantic feelings with, but a family member she can learn on in any situation, I friend she can talk to, a teacher that can guide her. He was alot of things to her. And I think people forget, that when you marry someone, theres a reason people now call you a "family" and not just a married couple. The ideal romantic situation is of course to have a balanced healthy life of friends, family, and a partner. But theres no reason why these need to be clear cut and your romantic partner cant be your friend and family. And that's how ML was to FL. She says that boyfriend seems too simple a word for what he is to her, that it fails to encompass all that he is. And I agree. And I found it so lovely. He accepted his role willingly and eagerly, wishing to be her harbor. Later in the book, I found it really nice that he also comes to view her as someone to rely on and that is his home.

Anyway, this was a long section. But they just really suited each other! I'll go into other things now. The plot is basically them interacting and living their lives, it's a slice of life feeling so dont come expecting alot of drama. There is some heartbreak though later which I will explain. There is a case where a guy is into FL, but this was handled well in that she rejected him and he was cool enough to wish her well in her love life. FL is also very clear with all her suitors, even cold. ML is the exactly same way. Very distant and cold. There are some super annoying things that happen with their suitors though, which I blame on the author. It felt like the author was throwing sh*t at them because they were such a peaceful and lovely couple. Two things happened;

1. This rich guy (not the dude I mentioned) keeps pestering the FL. Not believing her when she said she has a bf. Eventually finds out bf is his friend from school (ML). Puts his hand on her waist while he is drunk. She hits him in the nose with her elbow and makes the piece of sh*t bleed like she should. But shes very shy and instantly gets scared and calls ML. Both are forced to apologize to this nasty piece of shit. I really, really hated this. But I understand that in real life these things happens. It never happened again.

2. So guys, it's a nasty siblings pair. The rich dude above has a little sister attending the MLs college. Sister constantly attempts to offer him stuff and give him love letters. ML coldly rejects everything and ignores all attempts. Will hand the sh*t back right in front of her. Will also go out of his way to maintain business by even not recommending her for trips knowing she is attempting to get close to him. In the end she calls him to a dark room and attempts something on him. He pushes her away and she hits her head. She basically tries to ruin his career by claiming he'd been picking on her and hurt her and did improper things to her. I hated that bit*h so much for this! ML stands up for himself by essentially confessing what happened (not the love letter). She changes her statement out of guilt, but keeps the fact that he hurt her in it because she's a piece of shit. He ends up having to work somewhere farther away.

When I tell you these two incidences made me so angry! I tell you, peaceful people can never live in peace because you have nasty ass people like this living in the world. Just disgusting. Thankfully nothing crazier happened and it didnt affect the couple at all basically. In fact it led to them living together for most of the summer and becoming even closer. I was upset ML was wronged and didnt tell the whole truth. But when he recounted on the fact that his own sister, the author of the book FL loved who passed away, who also made many mistakes and been treated the same way by an elder in her life (basically letting her off) and how he was appreciative of that act, he decided it was ok. I then thought of these events through his eyes, and I could un understand why ML decided not to. It was best they didnt stay in the same college ever again anyway. He ended up being moved away, but it was fake the better in a way. Still irked me though.


Besides that, there is also a side couple that to be honest I skipped all their scenes. They're a tsundere couple and kind it dramatic and I didnt have the patience when the main couple who were so lovely and communicative in comparison existed. But they might be entertaining for somebody else so read on.

In the end the story only got better and better. And while its definitely a HE, there is an event leading up to HE that might startle you. It startled me. Prob read this if endings are super important to your reading experience.

FL faces a major health issue in like the last 3 chapters, sudden deafness, which causes some issues in the relationship. She even feels she is not worthy of ML. That being said they never seperate but it sort if reaffirms their love. I thought it was kind of unnecessary or rather if the author was going to use it maybe make it longer or give foreshadowing or something. But it was the last three chapters and there are no extras. If it wasnt for the wrap up right before those chapters, I might have felt unsatisfied. But I was pretty satisfied so that even if those three chapters didnt exist I'd feel super content. I was just confused because it was so sudden and wrapped up super loosely. But oh well.


Conclusion, this was a great read. I definitely recommend it. <<less
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aoiisora rated it
June 23, 2017
Status: c51
Currently reading the chinese version of this book and I chanced upon this book on NUF so I'm here to recommend it~~

This is a beautifully slow romance between two quiet people (whom, I would say, are both pretty mature). The female lead, Bo Zi Ren, is reserved, objective (almost to a selfless point) and slightly (and very adorably) dense when it comes love. The guy, Cheng Jing Bo, is the most irresistibly gentle male lead I've seen so far gaahh >< and he's perfectly okay with slowing down to match... more>> her pace (no pun intended).

This has a very slice of life feel to it, and the plot moves (a little) slowly. Perhaps some would find such bland romance boring, or lacking in the spicy spark that ought to blaze between couples in a relationship, but I think the author had done an amazing job in illustrating a mature development between two level-headed and sensible people. Not that I'm saying their romance is not exciting, they do have their little breathtakingly electric moments.

Really recommend this book~ The characters are very human and and their actions spell out the beautiful nature of tolerance and commitment, which I think everyone ought to endorse and learn. If everyone was as nice as Cheng Jing Bo the world would be a better place.

Also I think this would be a little challenging to translate cuz of all the philosophical stuff, so really, credits to the translators for picking up this novel~! <<less
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Pipinkj rated it
April 17, 2017
Status: c1
It's a really soothing book that shows slow romance between two people. It is relatable that love doesn't just happen but happens over time.

When reading this book, I really found the characters human. There isn't any useless drama (so far), and it's just straight up the development of there relationship. It's a good read to relax from scheming and killing novels from time to time.
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CaisAngelsPearl rated it
September 21, 2024
Status: c33
Rating it a 5 although I haven't finished it yet, the mtl after the properly translated chapters is just painful to read oh my goodness! 😥 But yeah amazing amazing story, very poignant. Beautiful couple, in their own little safe world not giving a monkey's about others thoughts & opinions! A rare gem.
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Rabills rated it
May 17, 2024
Status: Completed
It was really cute! I love both the ML and FL. They both had some sort of physiological issues but I loved how they connected. The ML is low-key black belly and the female lead is clueless about this in the beginning of their relationship. I loved how caring and understanding he was of her. Recommended.
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JuneV rated it
May 4, 2023
Status: c58
I came upon this novel by chance and found it to be gold.

I fell in love with the main characters since chapter 1. I love the courage of FL as well as the maturity of ML. Both compliment each other. It's like finding a person who would like your own world and willing to walk into it.

I didn't like FLs mother but she is also pitiful. I'm glad that the ML will give her all the love that she deserves.
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DemonGodSimp rated it
December 12, 2022
Status: Completed
This is really an ordinary lovestory between two ordinary people BUT WAS SO WELL WRITTEN. No overbearing president, no high achieving characters, no tear jerking or grandiose confessions, just the typical story from someone next door.

I see philosophy teachers in a different light. They do have a deep understanding and mature view of everything. So, I love how ML adjusted his pace to match hers while she slowly walked out of her shell.

And I kinda agree with FL's mother. Sure, love do have a great impact on someone's life but... more>> it does not solve everything. Her mother's love language is money while her's is affection. Dont get me wrong, the mother is not a villain or anything, I just get her point. <<less
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Jhunajane rated it
August 17, 2020
Status: Completed
This book was a short but satisfying to read. It was calm and ordinary love story you need. Not in an exaggerated kind. It's only a bit special because of the woman's circumstances but other than that, all was normal. AND THAT makes it more precious and lovely than anything else. Also, it's not everyday when the woman makes the first move and in such an adorable way. She's cute. ❤️?
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