Genius Club


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“Since I was born, I’ve had the same dream every day, where the same day repeats over and over.”

“What do you do in the dream?”

“Rob banks, blow up buildings, flirt with girls, play Grand Theft Auto… since it’s a dream, I naturally do a lot of lawless things.”

“Tell me what you did last night.”

“Last night was more interesting. I’ve been dreaming for so long, but it’s the first time I’ve dreamt of someone I know in real life. She was a very beautiful girl…”

“Mhm.” The police officer nodded while taking notes. “Go on, I’m listening.”

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Genius Club
Related Series
Logging 10,000 Years into the Future (1)
Nightmare’s Call (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. my favourites till now
  2. Hidden gem

Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/26/24 Bcat00 c338
08/26/24 Bcat00 c337
08/26/24 Bcat00 c336
08/24/24 Bcat00 c335
08/24/24 Bcat00 c334
08/24/24 Bcat00 c333
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08/23/24 Bcat00 c329
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4 Reviews sorted by

New H0NEYBEE rated it
August 22, 2024
Status: c320
Novels like this usually have trouble with presenting suitable challenges for the main cast. But this novel consistently puts out interesting story turns, mysteries, riddles and challenges.

If there is anything I could point out among the novel's flaws, that would be the ambiguous and (frankly) unnecessary teasing of romance subplots and how weirdly the novel uses real life people and places.
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johncaraon rated it
July 29, 2024
Status: c144
Good, better than I expected, Minor spoiler ahead;

MC can dream about 600 years from the future every day. Where he encounters many things including a cartoon design. A man who is on the path of revenge because his father died in an 'accident' that he investigated and Genius Club 'did' it. A woman who has bits of memory of her different self in a different world and this girl also existed in the present but with a different personality.

In the present, MC as someone who has the knowledge of the... more>> future shares it with his scientific 'friend' who was researching about hibernating and accidentally altering the future and later died in an 'accident'. The story starts to snowball here investigating Genius Club, his friend's killer, about the dream, the how and why, and the butterfly effect.

A solid 4.1/5 but I'll give this 5 stars since the translator is updating like a machine. <<less
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benjithegreat rated it
August 6, 2024
Status: c240
This is how I find the story so far;


    • Compelling character
    • No young master trope
    • MC is decisive and ruthless enough
    • No system as Golden finger
    • Fast upload/update chapter
    • Antagonists have goals and purposes and do not just kill randomly

    • Lack of action (How it should be since the setting is the modern world)
    • The slow progress of the story. Really slow and can bore the reader (For those people who find LOTM boring and slow, imagine LOTM type but in the modern world)
If you can handle the lack of action, especially the detail of action, the slow progress, and the world-building. The story is not necessarily slow, the story is just cruising toward its destination but I can see why people find it uninteresting hence the low rating.

Other than that, I highly recommend this. It's so peaceful reading this. Also, great for daily reading since the update is fast and heavy on the update. A very important aspect when it comes to daily reading.
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zeshan105 rated it
August 10, 2024
Status: c300
The concept of the novel is undeniably intriguing, with a promising premise that initially captures attention. However, the progression is painstakingly slow.

Over the span of 300 chapters, there's little to no significant development in the characters or plot. We learn almost nothing new about the characters beyond what was established in the first 5 to 10 chapters. The mysteries surrounding key figures like CC and VV from the future, or the enigmatic Yellow Finch in the present, remain unresolved and frustratingly vague. Additionally, there's hardly any new insight into the... more>> Genius Club, despite the extensive chapter count.

While the concept holds great potential, the lack of forward movement in the story makes it feel more like a chore to read, which ultimately results in a mixed rating. <<less
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