Gendou o Oboete Kudasai!


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A Queen complains to her husband for being too embarrassingly loving. And the King decides it’s best to prove his love with his action. A short fluffy oneshot.

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Please remember your limits!
Remember the limits!
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Recommendation Lists
  1. cute one shots
  2. I've read already
  3. Romances finalizados (hetero)
  4. Everything else
  5. A One-shot Through The Heart

Latest Release

Date Group Release
03/27/18 Broken Jinsei oneshot
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7 Reviews sorted by

love-cutter rated it
April 12, 2018
Status: Completed
Why isn't the rating higher? This is so sweet, fluffy and [insert lenny face] at that ending.


-Too Short (but long enough to get its point across)


-has a Sequel Oneshot (yet to be translated as of Apr 12, 2018)

-devoted love interests already married = NO drama (yay!)

Seriously, can't say much else without spoiling it. Lol. It's short, go read it!
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kawaii12345 rated it
May 19, 2022
Status: Completed
3 stars

It's premise is a loving couple and it didn't manage to sell it. The characters are barely sketches. The writing and the translation are both very readable. While finally the plot was far to barebones for me.


King is a fool in love, lavishes gifts on the queen, they have s*x, a kid follows


Bottom Line: It's very lite and not filling.
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Takitori rated it
June 6, 2020
Status: oneshot
a very cute, fluffy story, just what the introduction said. Also the king sure loves his wife very much. Maybe a little bit too much. I do feel a little pity for the Queen.
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Sheng Ling
Sheng Ling rated it
June 30, 2019
Status: Completed
Just take like less than five minutes to read this. 99.9% of ya'll would enjoy this unless you have some issues. (That I dont get why you cant just enjoy the book) it's a one-shot after all
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Nia_K rated it
April 19, 2018
Status: oneshot
A really short story but tickles your funny bone the whole time. MCs are so lovey-dovey hahaha
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AnotherBoredPerson rated it
May 15, 2020
Status: oneshot
This is short. But enough so I can get the fluffiness. Finished reading ±5minutes. So a light read for wasting your 5 minutes time.

The king really is something lol. He loves the queen very deary. But the queen easily shy~

Full fluff w/o drama. Fun read. Give this a shot~

I'm still waiting the sequel to be translated...
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chande rated it
April 5, 2022
Status: Completed
The story was so sweet but I still think the way the king loved the queen was a bit too much. Giving gifts to the loved one was a romantic way to show love but when it's done excessively, it will lose its charm.
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