Gender Swap: The Introvert’s Broadcast


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We’ve come to a world where the roles of men and women have been reversed.

So, of course, women will rush to us.

“You don’t have to bring water.”

“Oh, okay…”

…I guess I’ll just have to live the way I always have.

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Gender Swap: The Introvert’s Broadcast
남녀역전 아싸 인방
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New Foeman111 rated it
October 10, 2024
Status: c12
Heres a better description:

... more>>

It's just a guy streaming league. That's it. That bit about this being a world where gender roles are reversed? Irrelevent to the story. Its not even a story. It's just a guy streaming league.

honestly, this feels like the author didn't know what to write about, so they wrote about their hobby.

Also, a lot of the story is dependent on the reader being korean. The specifics of military service, higher education, online communities, etc. In korea are what is used for the dialogue and comedy and if you're not korean you're not getting it.


It's not very entertaining, even ignoring that its not for english speaking audiences.

I make this review at chapter 12 but I don't believe that opinion would change if I read any further. <<less
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