Gamers Are Fierce


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Many strange phenomena have been happening in Yin City. Li Ang—whose alias is Li Risheng—becomes embroiled in an absolute real game of life-and-death, known as Killing Field.
Using his above average analytical and deductive skills, he completes different quests assigned by the system, such as eliminating supernatural beings or solving cases, while trying to unravel the true nature of the game.

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Ferocious Players
Wanjia Xiongmeng
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Nemone rated it
January 12, 2023
Status: --
The story is somewhat amusing at first. The main character wanders between being insane and a genius. The biggest problem with this story is that the author tries a little too hard to make the main character a "genius" by indicating he read all these manuals and learned how to do things like make a rifle, bombs, weapons, etc. In his home. He also knows various interrogation techniques and combat arts just by reading about them.

At one point the author made it sound like the main character, who is still... more>> very young, went and traveled around practicing combat and interrogation as a teen. Which is weird because he also has a childhood friend who has been in school with him for years. He's also an orphan and complains about not having a lot of extra money but he would need money if he wanted to travel. The things he purchased should also require more money than he had spent, at least I think so.

I honestly couldn't tell if some of the author's words were jokes or the main character's personal delusions. Either way it made it hard to read because as the story goes on I think those things were actually supposed to be serious. So the story is not bad if you can continue to suspend disbelief but I just didn't feel like continuing to read because it was too weird. <<less
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gracecfe rated it
July 8, 2023
Status: --
The author try so hard to make MC a genius awkward weirdo that it feel patronising and due to the plot amor, MC didn't get beat up from the crap he speak and other people just silently endure it for no reason. Even the genius solutions MC come out with are actually not even a good one but the author emphasized it heavily to promote MC as a genius. It starts to feel like author self delusion or fan fic of how great his weird genius MC is.
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