Game Youjo ~Yaku Atte Kougekiryoku ni Zenfuri Suru~


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【Sana used skill. Power Stash】
【Sana used skill. Berserk】

【Sana used Bold Move. Beast God・Roar Fang】

【Sana’s ability activated. Combo Connect +10 Combo】
【Sana’s ability activated. Counter +1】
【Sana’s ability activated. HPMax Charge.】
【Slime received 3,497,894 damage.】
【Slime defeated.】

Associated Names
One entry per line
Gamer Youjo ~Wake Atte Kougekiryoku ni Zenfuri Suru~
ゲーマー幼女 ~訳あって攻撃力に全振りする~
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Recommendation Lists

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Date Group Release
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November 18, 2020
Status: c5
Ah... the Angelic Layer of VRMMO web novels, Dad of the Year Edition. As a fan of Angelic Layer, I'm definitely gonna keep an eye on this. No score for now, but I will say that while there are some typos and grammatical errors, it's been a fairly painless read.
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