Frontier Lord Starts Out With a Population of 0


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Dias is a simple man who lived his life following his parent’s dying words to a T. He fought for his country for 20 years, and at 35 was suddenly called the Patriotic Hero.

The king gave him land, but he was dumped in the middle of nowhere without a penny to his name as the pitiful lord of the grasslands.

Luckily he was found by the mysterious Oni folk, who helped him in his first steps to live life as a Feudal Lord in these frontier lands.

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Ryoumin 0-nin Start no Henkyou Ryoushusama
The Frontier Lord Begins with Zero Subjects (Official)
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Superoringinal rated it
December 5, 2019
Status: C.2 part 3
I like the story so far, I was looking for a slice-of-life story with kingdom building aspect and this seems good. The protagonist is honest and ignorant (meaning he's not super knowledgeable not that he does cruel things because he "doesn't know any better") which is nice because it makes you want to be on his team, genuinely wondering how he'll make a life for himself.

Nothing much else to say at this point other than the protagonist is likable and the story premise is interesting. The translation quality is good... more>> too so it seems like I'll be sticking around for more without having it hurt. <<less
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albreo rated it
January 30, 2020
Status: c1 part6
An average Japanese novel. It's filled with Japanese prided humble attitude and submissive mindset unsuitable for a fantasy world. It's more of a tone down one with combat scene non-violent and comfortable for kids.

MC's characteristics and his background setting are polar opposite. He was a war veteran hero, who fought for 20 years, that got OKed day 1 from sleeping in the field, got ambushed and still refusing to wake up. Most of the details of world-building and negotiation with the native Oni race were omitted. It's more of a... more>> fluffy story with no clear goal to read as a past time.

Do not expect an epic story, one of a kind, here. <<less
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thekingofgamez rated it
July 3, 2020
Status: c2.3
Not a bad story! In short, A naive soldier who did well in the military for 20 years was rewarded territory after the war. When he found his territory there was nothing and now he's trying to figure things out with some help from the natives. I like how consistent the characters are and individualistic they can be. I feel that this story has a lot of promise but its a slice of life so far with some minor territory stuff as of chapter 2.3
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Mr.slowly rated it
April 11, 2023
Status: c1 part4
What an interesting little gem here. Definitely a slice of life vibe so far but really hard to tell if it will stay that way as it still seems to be in intro mode. I've read up until it was dropped by the first translator, who did an excellent job, and picked up by the second. I didn't read their work as it would just be a repeat of the first 10-15 chapters. Not sure why they didn't just pick up where the old one left off but it is... more>> what it is. Really like the MC so far - he's pretty strong it seems but simple and gentle the rest of the time. He's super dense but about things like court intrigue and politics, complicated things in other words. He seems to be pretty keen on the little things in general tho, which is always refreshing I feel. I really like the vibe of this and wish very much that there was more. There are some subtle things about this story that makes me think it would be one of my favorites if there were more content. Lets hope the new team stays the course! Thanks for your work translators and to the author as well - really appreciate you! <<less
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