From the Box


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Overnight, the campus changed. All his classmates and teachers disappeared, leaving only empty classrooms and desks behind.

There was also a mysterious vending machine.


Press the button, and the vending machine spits out a lucky box.

You never know what strange creature will pop out before opening a box.

Take for example, a duck with a little yellow hat.

“Oh, my dear friend, one look tells me you’re a new arrival, simply behold your face full of fear. I dare say you must be thinking: Hell, what’s wrong with this world?…”

The duck can speak, well, with a dubbed accent.

Later, Luo Yang finally understood—This wasn’t reality. In this weird world without any supplies, you’re left to survive on ‘boxes’.

As for what you’ll get when you open a box? It all hangs on the mood of the strange creature within it. If it’s happy, you’ll get a sumptuous feast plus a supercar. If it’s peeved, just a glance can get you two punches.

The vending machines have strict restrictions. Want to get your hands on a box? Then set off on an ‘journey’!

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