For the Prosperity of the Species!


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Lee Hyun-soo, a struggling salesman, dies in a missile strike only to find himself reincarnated as a lowly bug on the brutal alien planet Vespaquium. Facing a harsh, hierarchical insect society ruled by the Gullak Legion, and a predetermined death within 15 seconds, Hyun-soo refuses to accept his fate. Armed with his past life memories and a surprising resilience, he navigates the brutal landscape, evolving from a nameless Zik to a cunning Zarack, defying the Legion’s rigid laws and uncovering hidden powers within himself.

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GearShock rated it
October 23, 2024
Status: c59
Pretty good, I’d say. The main character can be a bit foolish at times, but not overly annoying. The pacing is generally good (except for the arc about the War of the Outpost Queens).

The characters really shine and aren’t one-dimensional.

However, it does have its flaws, particularly in one arc. Sometimes the main character speaks as if many years have passed, while other points of view indicate that only 2 or 3 years max has paseed since his reincarnation.

Overall good novel, recommended
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