For My Husband’s New Wife


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“It would tarnish his honor, I think it was just a play.”

It’s been half a year since I’ve been playing a play disguised as marriage.

Now is the time.

Time to let him go.

After her family collapsed and even her father went missing, she had nowhere to go. Lancelot is Anita’s old friend and only savior.

“Don’t refuse, Anita. Marrying with me is the only way to guarantee your status.”

I think it was a happy married life in its own way.

“A child…… I think it’s good to have it with the girl you love.”

“I think so.”

Caring for each other.

“Wouldn’t it be better if I didn’t attend the banquet? Others may insult you.”

“As my wife wishes.”

Trying to understand each other.

I had received a lot of favor from Lancelot.

So now it’s my turn.

For the sake of Lancelot and his new lover.

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One entry per line
내 남편의 새 아내에게
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Guavaread Translated Novels
  2. Novels That made me fall in love everytime
  3. Medieval Era to Victorian Era
  4. soapieyouka's type
  5. Web Novels with Mob or Villainess Protagonists

Latest Release

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3 Reviews sorted by

gimmeanotherchapter rated it
November 15, 2021
Status: --
I've been wondering why most korean novels especially about straight couple's romance get such a low rating in this site. Hmmm.

This is just a beginning, and I can't lie to think that this story might be having the same storyline as the others especially the misunderstanding part.

Nevertheless, the story so far is good and the translation is superb. I really like the fact that I could understand it fully, unlike with most other stories where they only use google translate.

Good job, translator! I really hope to see the next chapters... more>> of this story. <<less
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rrsg76 rated it
July 23, 2022
Status: c20
The title or synopsis doesn't do any justice tot the novel. It's actually kind of a mystery about her missing/dead father. No-one around her can be trusted, not the the Dukes servants or people she has known for years. 20 chapters in, I am very interested how this novel will turn out. Will it be a angsty mystery or just a bunch or made up misunderstandings? The translator just did a 5 chapter mass update. Hope people get into this one.
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zerogravityinq rated it
June 4, 2022
Status: c4
I dropped this. It immediately jumped to a child arc that does not display any good qualities of the alleged ML. Yeah, kids are bratty but I can already see the writer setting up that Lancelot has a low EQ. Also, judging by the summary and what I have read so far, this is going to be mostly misunderstandings because people can't communicate worth a damn. Yeah, no. I have better things to do with my time. I will grant that it's my fault for not heeding the tags.

That said,... more>> the translation is readable if a bit.... native? Like it wasn't edited/proofread by a native English speaker but someone with English as their second or third language. "my eyes rolled wide" is a clunky turn of phrase. Niggles aside, it's not a bad translation, just odd. <<less
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