Flowers of Plants Cannot be Picked Casually


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Flowers are the living and reproductive organs of plants.

You can’t pick them at will, or you will get retribution.

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  2. Short Stories
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/19/19 Exiled Rebels Scanlations oneshot
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4 Reviews sorted by

December 19, 2019
Status: Completed
It was definitely a good way to kill time, but it's best not to apply any logic to this novel.

I think it's just something for people to enjoy mindlessly.
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dday0425 rated it
December 25, 2021
Status: oneshot

The actual reproductive organ of plants is the stamens, though.

This is my second time reading this novel. The story is amusing and very imaginative. I especially like how the main character takes care of the flower wholeheartedly since he wants to give it to someone he likes. He's such a sweetheart and a romantic man. If I were that girl, I would definitely be moved by him.

P.S. To new readers, when you read this novel, don't forget to replace the flower with that part of a man, as it is... more>> supposed to do so. It will help increase the hilariousness of the narrative by a lot. 😂 <<less
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caicaicat rated it
November 6, 2021
Status: oneshot
There isn't really a deep story in this one but it was entertaining and made me laugh and flinch a little.

The MC wants to be in love and to be loved in return. It's an unexpected recipient of love but I feel like the title is basically the same as saying don't flirt with me if you don't mean it.

I love raising plants so I can imagine pouring my love into them even if they have a destination beyond the pot or garden bed. I cannot imagine what I would... more>> do in this situation...

Plus I really have to wonder what it feels like to the Rose when his blooms are handled

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96cve0207 rated it
November 5, 2021
Status: Completed
Considering it's a oneshot, the story was well written and fleshed out.

It was amusing, but upon thinking after finishing it, you realise that it actually has cruelty subtly throughout it and a bit of a chilling after taste.

So, short though it was, it had a lot in it.

For the story itself - 3.5/5 ⭐'s

add 1 more⭐for the writing quality = 4.5/5 ⭐'s

The translation alone deserves 5⭐'s

So, in total I give it 5⭐'s 🥰
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