Flirting Day & Night


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Jian Mi, a natural enchantress, possesses coquettish allure and true beauty. Betrayed by a scumbag, she seeks refuge with the scumbag’s younger uncle. To the outside world, Jian Mi appears delicate and gentle—a docile and virtuous flower. However, only Xing Zheng knows her true nature: hypocritical, greedy, and adept at wearing an extremely glamorous and arrogant facade that bewitches hearts.

But Jian Mi is aware of her own madness. She is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve her goals, even if it means ensnaring Xing Zheng in her web of allure. What she doesn’t realize is that Xing Zheng is equally unhinged. A born tyrant, he is ruthless and desireless—a master manipulator of hearts. From his seat of arrogance, he orchestrates the chessboard of life, with everyone else as mere pawns. When Jian Mi attempts to break free, she discovers that Xing Zheng has already woven a tight and unyielding spider’s web, capturing her firmly within its threads.

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Flirting Day & Night
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