Flash Marriage to a Crazy Rich Husband: I Shocked the World!


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Ying Sisi always believed she was an orphan until her father suddenly appeared and arranged a marriage for her. The groom is handsome, wealthy, and generous to her, making her very happy. However, she is unaware that this marriage was originally intended for her half-sister, who was rejected by the sister. The half-sister, having been reborn, knows about the husband’s dark side and deliberately sets traps for Ying Sisi. The half-sister also knows that Ying Sisi will become a wealthy wife in the future, enjoying luxury and love. The half-sister’s goal is to marry Ying Sisi’s previous life’s partner and enjoy the benefits of her husband’s success. In the end, Ying Sisi becomes the wealthy wife while her half-sister is left with regret.

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