Fallen Dawn


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Marrying the person you secretly love.

But he wants to bring another Omega home.

Because I’m just a Beta.

“—Shouldn’t Alphas be with Omegas?”

“—I’m not interested in Betas.”

– A small, bittersweet tale of chasing after love.

– A sweet and sour short story.

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Recommendation Lists
  1. ML Regrets

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Date Group Release
09/15/24 KnoxT c27
09/13/24 KnoxT c26
09/11/24 KnoxT c25
09/09/24 KnoxT c24
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New nicollo rated it
August 26, 2024
Status: Completed
Omg😭😭😭😭 it's too sweet!!!!

I mean it has it's fair share of ups and downs, lots of grovelling, suffering on both ends and finally a sweet ending.

I don't really like the mls parents but other than, that everything else is fine.

... more>> It's a crematorium like the other reviewer said, the ML will chase after the MC.

Unlike some certain other wife chasing crematorium novels which I will not name where you just want the main couple to be on different planets and never meet each other again 😉🤣🤣🤣, this is just right... You won't really feel like the MC and ML should not be together and what not.

But hey that's just my humble opinion but I do think people should give it a try👍 <<less
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CieloPA rated it
August 17, 2024
Status: Completed
It's basically a crematorium, if you are looking for that you are in the right place. I don't think it deserves such a low rating of 1 or 2.

ML wasn't an absolute scumbag, he's just an idiot in denial that always screws up 😂 and I think he suffered enough for it.

It's the typical husband chasing his wife, but I liked it a lot, ML was in denial phase since he had the idea that an alpha can't be with a beta and rejects the feelings that are being born,... more>> and sees marriage as a business. MC knew that couldn't hold on to a one-sided love and chose to walk away, I liked that he's not the typical white lotus that seeks love until death.

I suffered a little (together with ML), but I also enjoyed it, recommended for everyone looking for a crematorium.

I finished reading it in MTL because I couldn't handle the intrigue anymore and I loved the development at the end. Beta remains Beta until the end and ML loves MC for being him.I would have liked a little more depth to the story but for a short story it was fine. <<less
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