Fake Sweet Omega


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Jiang Wan appears to be a soft and delicate Omega on the surface, but in reality, he’s a well-known boss in Hai Cheng. One day, while taking his company to collect a debt from a notorious debtor, he becomes captivated by the debtor’s son—a young Alpha with a cold demeanour, clear features, broad shoulders, and a narrow waist. The intoxicating scent of cedar draws him in.

Jiang Wan decides to hide his social status and disguise himself as an innocent “sweet Omega” returning to high school to get closer to this young man who keeps appearing in his dreams.

It’s a battle between the plum-flavored sweet Omega and the cool cedar-scented Alpha (obviously the Alpha’s pheromones belong to the protagonist)!

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Date Group Release
09/18/24 KnoxT c32
09/18/24 KnoxT c31
09/17/24 KnoxT c30
09/17/24 KnoxT c29
09/16/24 KnoxT c28
09/16/24 KnoxT c27
09/15/24 KnoxT c26
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09/14/24 KnoxT c24
09/14/24 KnoxT c23
09/13/24 KnoxT c22
09/13/24 KnoxT c21
09/12/24 KnoxT c19
09/12/24 KnoxT c20
09/11/24 KnoxT c18
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