Fake Empress


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“You’re too easy.”

If you are a woman, you should play hard to get and be thrilling. Do you know how terrible your devotion was?

For such a trivial reason, Lucas abandoned me. Despite ascending to the throne thanks to me, he chose another woman without looking back. I wasn’t even given time to tremble with betrayal.

Lilliana disappeared from the world through a terrible execution.

It’s over.

That’s what I thought.

“What is this? I’ve become younger?”

Lilliana returned to the past. Completely intact, without any traces of execution.

Now it’s time for revenge.


“You can hold me in your hand and shake me for your revenge.”

At that time, the man who approached her.
The third in line to the imperial succession, Grand Duke Carlisle de Escalion.

“Why are you doing this for me?”
“I’ll do anything. As long as I can have the wife I want.”
“As long as I can have you.”

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