Exiled with a Suspected Heir: The Prince’s Desperation


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In the previous life, due to the treacherous minister of the ruler and accusations of treason, Zhou Yunshu’s family was destroyed: all the male members were executed, and the women and children were exiled to the southern barbarians, where they died along the way.

Although Zhou Yunshu was spared from exile as the Wei Prince’s Consort, she was confined and betrayed, eventually dying in childbirth in a cold palace.

In her reincarnation, Zhou Yunshu voluntarily left the palace, emptied the royal treasury, and accompanied her family into exile. While others saw the Zhou family as ruined and suffering in exile, they actually lived comfortably, with good food, drink, and rest.

Despite facing constant natural disasters and human troubles during exile, Zhou Yunshu hoarded goods and provisions, engaging in various dealings along the way, and gained a following.

In the end, she not only reunited with her lost elder brothers on the battlefield but also established her own territory during the chaotic times.

While enjoying her peaceful life as a local ruler, Zhou Yunshu was approached by her former husband, now a powerful regent in the court, who had traveled a great distance to find her.

Ji Sheng: Princess, you’ve deceived me so miserably.

Zhou Yunshu coldly waved her hand: We’re not close; don’t get too familiar.

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07/03/24 Shanghai Fantasy c1
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