Exiled Alchemist’s Frontier Life: A Former Elite’s Fresh Start in the Backcountry


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In the royal capital, Zeke was once a salaried worker who followed the path of an elite. However, he was resented by a rival who lost in the struggle for promotion and was fatally stabbed in the abdomen with a knife.

For some reason, Zeke was reincarnated as an orphan in another world. Under the guidance of his new mentor, he learned alchemy, and with his intelligence and knowledge from his previous life, he earned the title of National Alchemist at a young age, once again pursuing the path of an elite. However, he was envied by a noble involved in the advancement struggle, who used their power to take his position. To make matters worse, his mentor and superior, who was also like a parent to him, ordered him to be transferred to a remote area. This demotion meant that his desired path to advancement was completely cut off.

Zeke faced two…

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Frontier Life of a Demoted Alchemist: Since the Former Elite Failed in His Second Life as Well, He Decided to Take It Easy and Restart in the Outskirts
左遷錬金術師の辺境暮らし ~元エリートは二度目の人生も失敗したので辺境でのんびりとやり直すことにしました~
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