Everyone Wants To Harm Me


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As the only granddaughter of the Duke of Peng, cherished like a precious gem by her grandfather, and the most beloved niece of the Empress, He Qi Yao’s first fifteen years of life were like living in a honey jar.

Except for one incident where she got drunk on her first matchmaking outing, clung to a pillar while declaring love for two hours, and was thoroughly embarrassed by her grandfather’s arch-enemy and political rival, she had never faced any real difficulties.

However, on the eve of her sixteenth birthday, life suddenly took a turn for the worse for this little kitten…

After being bitten by a snake, she suddenly gains the ability to see through people’s true thoughts. Everyone’s hidden agendas and dark motives are vividly revealed, with no place to hide.

But strangely, the rival who holds her dark secrets turns out to be a miraculous white lotus?

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New dewey rated it
September 29, 2024
Status: c10
It’s an interesting plot. The only thing I’m not enjoying is that it’s first person and the writing of the novel reads very simple and basic but that goes back to the point of it being first person. The FL is described as naive and childlike, and it’s portrayed as such in the writing and tone.

My biggest hope is that the FL grows and we see it depicted through the writing.

Big thanks to the translator! Looking forward to how it unfolds and will update the review.
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