Even the Transmigrator hate this kind of ending


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Cheong Dowoon found himself transmigrating as a novel character once again.

This was already the third time.

The only way to see the ending is to grant the protagonist’s wish and hear a sincere thank you!

[Welcome to ‘The Catastrophe of Initia’!]

As soon as he was transmigrated, he almost died from a blue blade that came flying toward him.

What saved him was none other than Baek Yigang, the final villain and one of the key characters in this novel.

“I saved your life when you were about to die, so now you have to work for me in return. Whatever it is.”

“Sure, why not?”

I answered lightly without much thought, a decision I would come to regret for a long time…

“Cheong Dowoon, marry me.”


“Say yes if you don’t want to die.”

His menacing gaze, shining more dangerously than ever, was directed straight at me.

Ugh, I really don’t want a marriage ending…

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s3978871 rated it
October 2, 2024
Status: c36
The protag, Dowon, has transmigrated to different novels through dreams and this is his third time being transmigrated. He appeared near the poison garden of the imperial palace, still thought it was a dream and yelled out a bunch of spoiler content, almost got executed but got saved by the male lead, Yiyang. The protag is your typical innocent, naive and bright person who could do no wrong and Yiyang is your insomniac dark prince with 6 pack abs and frequently got drowned in paperwork. If you're a sucker for... more>> a typical fantasy romance plot with the obsessive male lead tag to it this might be a good pick for you

Unfortunately, it's not a good pick for me and I have quite a bit of a rant, if you want to read it yourself and form your own opinions please do not click on the spoilers below. It contains spoilers and rants


At the start of our protagonist's story, Dowon clearly says that if they want to witness his full power, maybe they should have an ancient dragon come down or an earth-shattering boss appear. And when the event where the nobles and wizards came to witness his power came, he did perform a miracle. He basically reversed time, and I think that's a powerful feat. But other than that, the novel really downplayed and just outright nerfed this character.

I think it's fine if you write the protagonist as a dumb and innocent character but this is a bit too much, the author do false advertisement for his own protagonist, saying he has the power to save the world in the beginning but when sh*t hits the fan this guy can't even cast a basic protection spell, teleportation and I don't even think he can sense magic. There is LITERALLY A GIANT PROTECTION SPELL BEING CASTED AROUND HIS ASS and he can't sense shit.

you're wondering why I'm complaining about such a thing right now, let me explain myself: A healthy relationship - whether romantic or platonic - would always have 2 people in a tug of war type situation, they want to do acts of service, affection, etc.. To each other, both always trying to be a better partner for the other person. Our couple, Dowon and Yiyang is kind of poorly imitating this relationship and frankly, it's a bit toxic (intentionally or not) one side is trying to confine the other (with the excuse of it being better for the other but actually I think it's obsession) while the one side is leading the other on a rope without setting clear directions (Dowon is unintentionally flirting/saying things easy to misunderstand, which still produces 'results' - intentionally or not). And the most important thing to have in this tug of war is leverage. Leverage in this context means: 'Things I can and would do for my partner' and 'Knowing what my partner lacks and filling in the gaps for them'

And this is the thing that the author f*cking slipped and missed the whole point. The author gave alllllllll the leverage to the top, Yiyang, and our bottom protagonist over here, despite having the a job history including 'saving the world twice' can't do anything right for the life of him, sometimes clumsy help can even the deadlier than malicious intent and the prime example of this is Dowon, every time Dowon tried to "help" Yiyang it will inevitably leads to Yiyang becoming a cleaning lady for our protag. Even at chapter 30 I have already sensed the pattern.


Solid 3/5 work <<less
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