Eternal Green


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Special Condition: Yoo Shin-rok must spend more than one hour each day with Go Han-ra.

Yoo Shin-rok felt dizzy as he read the absurd special condition written in the Botanic World land transaction contract, which he thought had been discussed without any issues.

He kept telling himself not to get involved, but seeing Han-ra’s attitude, which seemed nothing more than a joke, he decided to refuse and believed that this meeting would be the last.

However, Go Han-ra kept intruding into Yoo Shin-rok’s life. As a blind date partner, or at the same gym, and even as the granddaughter of his grandfather’s benefactor, she managed to secure a position as his secretary!

“Why are you so obsessed with this one hour?”

“If you don’t like it, will you marry me?”

If she had fallen in love with me at first sight, I might have understood, but there isn’t a hint of affection in her eyes.

“I feel good when I’m with you, Yoo Shin-rok. That’s why I can’t give up.”

By the time he came to his senses, he was already immersed in her world, and things he had never imagined began to happen to him!

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