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A collection of short stories written in the style of comedy skits, composed solely of dialogues.

It’s not yaoi, but rather a series of short stories that are somewhat erot*c comedy-flavored with no mountains, no endings, and no meaning? Each story is a standalone episode.

It’s a romantic comedy written in the form of dialogues, portraying the daily lives of four high school students: Senpai, Satsuki-senpai, Shingo-kun, and Rika-chan, in the style of comedy skit scripts.

Usually, when I come up with ideas for novels, I think a lot about whether to turn them into new works or use them in the next chapters of ongoing projects, depending on how much I can expand on the ideas. Even if I think the idea seems interesting, if it can’t be expanded at all, it will likely be shelved. This is about picking up such ideas and writing them down without bothering with settings or anything troublesome. In other words, it’s like my personal idea notebook.

It might be something that isn’t even worth killing time with, but there are plans for a total of six standalone episodes. Thank you for your attention.

(There shouldn’t be any s*xual or sensual depictions (I think), but there might be scenes set in love hotels and such, making it somewhat gray? I’ll post it without an R rating for now.)

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