Endo and Kobayashi’s Live Commentary on the Villainess


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『She’s always putting on that grumpy face even though she’s not actually that upset! Oh, why can’t she just be honest with herself…!?』

『She is a tsundere, after all? When her embarrassment levels exceed a certain limit, she will explode into anger. However, the point that she’s suppressing under the surface is that she wouldn’t mind that sort of thing if it were in a less public place.』

As Endo-kun passionately reacts to the antics of Lady Liselotte, the villainess of an otome game, Kobayashi-san provides a painstaking breakdown of her tsundere behaviour.

Suddenly, one person could hear their voices; Liselotte’s fiancée, Prince Siegward.

That is where this story begins.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte (LN)
The Play-By-Play Commentator Endo-kun and Colour Commentator Kobayashi-san's Live Commentary on the Tsundere Villainess Liselotte
Tsundere Akuyaku Reijou Liselotte to Jikkyou no Endo-kun to Kaisetsu no Kobayashi-san
Tsundere Akuyaku Reijō Liselotte to Jikkyō no Endō-kun to Kaisetsu no Kobayashi-san
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Recommendation Lists
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  4. Fallacies of Interesting Books (tbr forever)
  5. Cute Stories for a rainy day

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33 Reviews sorted by

Doktor Baka
Doktor Baka rated it
May 7, 2019
Status: c18
Started out so well but quickly lost my excitement from the first chapters, which leaves me much more disappointed than I would normally be.

The reason for that is that there's no cohesion in the story, no build-ups to anything. It is way too obvious that things just happen because the author wants it to happen, no matter how much it breaks immersion or how s*upid it is.
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Walter vi Britannia
Walter vi Britannia rated it
May 17, 2019
Status: c32
It's good, but the constantly shifting PoV is really annoying me.

They've all got their own little love stories going on; the commentators, the original heroine and such. It's not bad, on their own I'd be interested to read them, but constantly taking away from the villainess MC (who I want to watch the most) is a bit annoying and makes me not able to focus on the other characters' story cause I just want to get back to her progress with her own love. (As I said, the other characters'... more>> love stories aren't bad, but they started off with the prince and the villainess first, and I really wanna see this through to some extent before I'm able to divide my focus to other things, you know?)

Maybe the author should've kept the PoV changes to a minimal or just only limited it to side stories... or maybe the author should've just progressed the side characters' stories without shifting away from the prince's PoV.

Just what I'm saying is, it feels like cliffhangers within the story itself, moving the PoV away just when you're getting interested.

Other than that I really love this story. The villainess is very cute and likable, I really want to see more of her so the less chapters there are without her making an appearance, the less I like this novel. What an odd way to judge, lol. <<less
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KaitoHeart rated it
April 6, 2019
Status: c1
Hahaha, starting on an interesting and sweet inducing chapter, indeed. I think this novel is going to be good, with the commentors having a funny personality (oh boi, I can already dream something hot happening between the prince and his fiancee, and the so-called Gods squealing or teasing him lol)

Basically, the MC's fiancee is a HUGE tsundere, and because of that, the prince is always troubled of what to do because her actions/words are problematic for the prince but it's because he does not know her real feelings so... more>> she seems like your typical villainess in an otome game.

Fortunately, the prince can suddenly hear the Gods and maybe that'll be the start of his misunderstanding clearing up. Or maybe even the start of something new.

Too bad there's only once chapter translated for now, but I will be back to see if the plot will be as promising as the first chapter proved. <<less
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Shadowdrop rated it
June 8, 2019
Status: c32
The story is sweet, cute and fluffy, but I often feel like the cute Villainess has the least amount of screen-time of the 6 main characters. She is talked about a lot, from many points of view, but she herself talks or acts 'on-screen' a lot less than you would expect from a female lead. Kind of like Sleeping Beauty, who only had 18 lines in her own movie. Because of that, her personality is not very developed so far.
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SakuraKoi rated it
April 9, 2019
Status: c18
Hilarious and cute, the two things I do love to have the most when reading something to relax and this work appears to have both, en masse. Currently recommended for anyone who is like me or just likes the combination, if there is ever a change, then I will update this review but otherwise expect me to have read the latest chapter ASAP.

Edit for until Chapter 18: It only gets better and better~
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YoriMei rated it
January 7, 2020
Status: c41
While the plot is cute and straightforward, the ones that actually got me to stay were Endou and Kobayashi!! Their commentary is hilarious, Endou's backstory is quite saddening and Kobayashi is too smooth!! Personally I'm excited to see those two get together!!! Please, get together alreadyyyyyyyyy!!!! Even the entire school is waiting!!!!

The twist on keeping the game a "game" and having the transmigrators become the voice of "God" was a refreshing take on the otome villainess plotline. I really enjoy how interspersed we see how things are in the otome... more>> world and also the "real world" where E+K reside. While the prince falls in love with Rise-tan at the speed of light, Rise-tan is cute so all is forgiven. Everyone is running around with the "Cute is Life" mindset, so be warned if that isn't your thing. <<less
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Snowman256 rated it
January 19, 2022
Status: Completed
It's short, simple, and to the point. It keeps up a delightful balance as we trade off the romcom of the main actors with the romcom of the "gods", and the ending is overall happy. The author knew what they were trying to write, did it well without overstepping their world building, and added some comedy here and there to boot. The translation was also great. 5/5 stars for sure.
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dippityboppity rated it
December 12, 2021
Status: c28
Am I really the only one who can't give even a single sh*t about side characters' romance?

The whole premise of the series is basically having a tsundere translator in the main character's head, but then for some reason there's just some other romance going down with two utterly uninteresting characters that takes up half the screen time.

Like really, who cares about f*cking Baldur and Finne? They just... Like each other, immediately, without anything interesting about their relationship. Why is their viewpoints half of the story?

The few moments where the author... more>> actually follows through with their original premise are not worth slogging through the worthless parts. <<less
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Angry rated it
May 2, 2019
Status: c25
It's cute, kind and fun to read. I didn't expect this little novel to be so entertaining. If you feel down or worse, take solace while reading this, you will have a peace of happiness welcomed in this period.

Plus, for reading really to much LN and WN for my own good, I can affirm that this one adopts a really cool type of narration. I salute the author for having this really good idea for this format. In fact, the story continues to grow at his rhythm without losing in... more>> quality.

I don't like rating, in my opinion, it's harsh and hard because there is always a better find. So my five stars are not here to say "IT'S THE BEST", but just to encourage you to give a try. <<less
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Bizmatech rated it
May 1, 2019
Status: c25
A lot of series tend to drop in quality once they get past introducing the premise, so I wanted to wait a while before I gave this one a review. Now that I'm half way through, I can definitively say that this is not one of those series.

The plot is straightforward, but engaging. I like that doesn't try to constantly throw in twists to extend the story. The author had a clear goal with writing this, and sticks to it.

The characters, though clearly based on archetypes, are well rounded and... more>> rarely tropey. No overpowered self-insert MCs here!

The humor is also on point, and I find myself laughing with almost every chapter.

I also like that it's relatively short, so I can easily come back and reread it again a year from now. <<less
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YuliaNight rated it
April 21, 2019
Status: c11
IT IS SO CUTE!!! I definitely recommend this novel, Liselotte is such a Tsundere! (you are going to be filled with fluffyness after reading this...)
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Asphyxia778 rated it
August 13, 2021
Status: Completed
The premise was interesting but the execution style was choppy. This is an interesting take on a villainous lady genre and I did enjoy it but it's not without flaws.

Also the villainess herself doesn't get much screen time. We know about her from other characters pov but I think more focus should have been on her.

A very popcorn esque read
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Brasdf rated it
June 2, 2021
Status: c40
Pretty bad. This story is the equivalent of a waiter shoving a chocolate cake down your throat. Sweet, sure, but not a recommend experience. Some finesse is sorely missing.

The characters just feel fake and silly. The humor is pretty poor. The only character that at least works a little bit is the short cute heroine who one punches monster boars for breakfast. The translation is okay, but after chapter 38 the quality drops.

How else to say it ? You know how you sometimes have a cookie cutter character in a... more>> series that is over the top and is there mostly as a running joke ? All the characters here are like that. Everything just feels soulless and empty. <<less
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Mahesvara_ rated it
April 14, 2021
Status: c22
So the story had 6 Main Characters.

... more>>

Endo - Commentator (real world)

Kobayashi - Commentator (real world)

Liselotte - Tsundere Villainess (game)

Siegward - Prince (game)

Finne - Otome game's Heroine (game)

Baldur - Knight (game)

Overall three couples.


Yes, as the other reviews said.. It's funny and cute, the story is predictable but still quite interesting, but the deliver of the story makes the things above not worth it at all, at least for me.

The thing is, I just can't get into it.. The feels and characters; I can't get into them because the story doesn't allow me to, I can't because every chapter there's a change of POV, everytime I find things getting interesting the pov will then shifted to another character so the immersion is ruined for me because of it.

It's not bad and the translation is actually great, but this type of story would be better if it was animated instead. <<less
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August 6, 2019
Status: c34
I came across the manga and so I decided to also read the novel. I love the commentaries soooooo much! I also adore Rize-tan and her cuteness! So worth reading!
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KPRhmn rated it
April 18, 2019
Status: c9
It's so cute... but I think my favorite pairing is endou and kobayashi... they're so cute after all
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yorozuyaginchan rated it
March 28, 2019
Status: c1
Basically what the synopsis says. The prince's family has the ability to hear the voice of Gods and he hears the voice of two gods discussing about the tsundere nature of his fiancee
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BrunoVilla rated it
November 11, 2021
Status: c1
This novel should get an anime adaptation (Doga Kobo would be the right studio to do it), 12 to 15 episodes would cover the entire 2 novels.

It's a really fun and light story that almost every character is likeable (except for 2 of them). The only problem is that feels rushed and short at the end. However, it's one of the best "Otome Isekai Villainess" stories.
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RandoNLG rated it
March 23, 2021
Status: --
Literal diabetes. Never gets too deep into it but it's literal diabetes in terms of fluff.

If you aren't looking for sweets you might want to put this down for later, but as a novel to cheer you up this is just perfect.
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trixam rated it
March 19, 2021
Status: c47
This at it's core is a very lukewarm romance story.

When I started reading this I really was enjoying what I was seeing, there were a few romances and what could be interesting bits here and there and of course the cute tsundere female lead getting called out and reacting cutely. But that's kind of as far as the story gets. Very few of the characters have any sort of depth to them at all and there are even some that are supposed to be main characters but in reality get... more>> a handful of lines and are promptly forgotten. The plot really doesn't go anywhere either, there's sort of this vague impression like they're getting things done but the ending is so milk toast bland it just makes me wonder what the point of any of the things they did was. A huge part of this is just that the story is afraid to have an actual bad guy, everyone's just caught in some unfortunate big misunderstanding so nobody's at fault and love saves the day. It pulls it's punches so hard sometimes I don't even realize it's taking a swing.

I think it's really a strange read for the characters because it often falls onto the "tell dont show" issue where all of the character development is explained briefly as a cliffnote about the game's other romance plots. Some of the characters have weird like hive mind emotions flowing over from the other plots too?

Finne remembers her Himbo dying a bunch even though that never happened in reality? They never explain that

Everyone just falls in love with everyone else at first sight too and everyone ultimately ends up feeling very flat. Under the guise of breaking the characters out of the game's tragic ending and letting them choose their soul mate everyone neatly pairs up the way the author intended them to. The main pairing was the best one (Kobayashi and Endou) because we see the most of the two of them, but even then it's just okay, none of them really wowed me. Also, the tsundere girl getting embarrassed and running away bit is pretty cute, but once you realize that that is all there is to the princess it starts to get old very quickly.

They had these two characters which I mentioned earlier have chapters dedicated to discussing their history and importance to fighting the big baddy (I don't remember their names fittingly, it's the teacher and the little boy) who then get like 3 sentences of dialogue and don't even matter to the plot in the end anyways.

The ending? It blows but here's the specifics:


So they spend the entire novel preparing to fight the ancient witch that would try to possess the princess but she just poofs in as Gandalf the white now because love cured her evil. There's also the whole bit about getting the male god back to his own world but it's really just bread to hold the main character's confessions, he doesnt matter that much. Actually I didn't even mention the whole thing about how Finne is the soul of Eve, the first woman and the male half of the god of their world wanted to f*ck her so he mu*dered Adam and now tried to trap her soul by making a dating sim rpg on earth and trying to force people to choose his chad self insert character so that his love magic would be strong enough to shove Eve's soul through dimensions into a f*ckable corpse on earth. I didn't mention that for a reason.


It just makes me wonder what the point of anything they did was, the two irl teens are constantly stressing how the game world is real now and if they mess up? People will die for real. And then we never see any actual danger at any point, no characters ever really have to do any meaningful combat and the ending is how it is.

All in all I'm a little disappointed, there's a ton of fluff here but if you try and look any deeper you're going to fall through the bottom. <<less
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