Eldest Princess’s illness reached its Critical stage


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Princess Zhaole loved Mei Heting with a humble heart for seven years.

She was the most beloved daughter of Emperor Ming of Jin, accustomed to never enduring any grievances. Yet, she chose the aloof and proud imperial scholar at the Qionglin Banquet as her husband.

She bent her proud nature for him and risked her life to bear children.

For seven years, he was busy during the day and distant at night, never speaking with warmth or affection. Xuan Mingzhu believed he still cared for her deep down.

Until the imperial physician diagnosed her with an incurable disease, and her time was limited. The Duke questioned her coldly, “Are you done causing a scene?” and left with a wave of his sleeve.

At that moment, Princess Zhaole suddenly realized that these seven years had been like living the life of a dog.

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After the eldest princess became seriously ill
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