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Accused of being a witch and a mu*derer, Evony’s imprisoned. For years, she awaits the day of her execution, her back bearing scars from beatings inflicted by the guards who despise her. But one day, she is granted her freedom and placed into the guardianship of Grand Duke Schneider. Warmed by his doting staff and under his admiring tutelage, she regains her strength and becomes the wild card in an intricate game of power. With nothing to lose, will Evony orchestrate a new future for the empire?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Lady Evony
Related Series
Lucia (1)
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The Villainess Lives Twice (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Role Model FL (KR)
  2. KR Novels with Manhwa (FL Version)
  3. Family manhwa
  4. Novels adapted to manhwa
  5. Radish App

Latest Release

Date Group Release
11/07/19 little ajummas c1 part3
10/18/19 little ajummas c1 part2
10/18/19 little ajummas c1 part1
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