Eat The World Tree


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I came to this world after eating the World Tree.

TL Description: Eat The World Tree is about a strange guy, who happens to be extremely curious and unable to stop himself from acting on his curiosity. The MC makes a slight mistake and travels to another world, and must fulfill specific quest or face varying levels of consequences (normally death).

Associated Names
One entry per line
Bang the World Tree
Comer del árbol del mundo
Devouring the World Tree
F**ked the World Tree
Me cogí al árbol mundial
Me cogí un árbol
Me comí a un árbol del mundo
S*x with World Tree
Shank the World Tree
Yggdrasil Inssa
Оплодотворил мировое древо
Поедая мировое древо
世界樹를 따먹다
世界樹의 男便 候補가 되었다
세계수를 따먹다
세계수의 남편 후보가 되었다
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Latest Release

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4 Reviews sorted by

FatSpazz rated it
May 20, 2023
Status: c2
I am currently translating this to improve both my kr and tling.

So far it starts off very misleading, and weird. But throughout the series it becomes a lot more unique and more worthwhile. Although at first it may seem like another weird smut (which it kinda is) it begins to separate itself later on, with a decent enough story for those, who like me, don't look too deeply. It even has some wholesome father-daughter arcs later. The authors writing style is also quite fun to read, and I hope I... more>> am not butchering it too much with my tl.

To be 100% honest I have not read much of it at all and am relying on others words and a little bit of reading ahead. <<less
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Deathly_Voaltic rated it
August 15, 2023
Status: c520
10/10 novel probably my #1 novel of all time, unfortunately it’s pretty underrated, highly recommend reading, the main character is very likable, in the beginning he was somewhat of a asshat but he gradually turns into a chad, then into a father figure, his character development was very exciting, the FLs are also all likeable, the plot is very good, many plot twists, unique arcs, no generic nonsense, a hidden gem, it’s r-18 and harem though, might be bad first impression because of it, but bear through it, after 200... more>> or so chapters it gets to the very good part, the first 1-200 chapters are mainly the rising part of the novel. Anyway this is my review I personally liked it, and you should check it out, you won’t regret it. <<less
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inochichan rated it
October 24, 2023
Status: c36
A weird beginning proceeds into a weird continuation. Even so, I greatly enjoyed everything available so far. Maybe I am the weird one instead?

All the character interactions are quite different from each other, and I couldn't stop reading it after starting.

The 'system' is fine, not particularly unique but not bad either. Did enjoy the way it's been used for communication though, especially as things go on and it develops.
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Anonymous_Contributor rated it
April 13, 2024
Status: c940
The novel's first 200 chapters are rather slow paced, but it's to set the stage before the real story starts. After that, the story speeds up (aka the academy stuff is basically dropped) . The s*x scenes, combat scenes, and even dialogue was pretty well written, and I think this clears most web novels by a long shot. Don't come to fap, think of the s*x scenes (or the romance for that matter) as bonus to the story, not the main part. The characterization, worldbuilding, and action are written... more>> very well. It is to be noted that this novel is rather dark and serious once you get past the first 100 or so chapters, since there's a sense of danger always looming.

Do-won is a big wakeup call that the "good" side (the World Tree side) has a very dark side, and while brief, we do get to see "good guys" * (hunters) perpetrating r*pe and massacring civilians.

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