Earth’s Redemption


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In the year 2222 AD, Earth was shielded by the stars.

Losing the sun, stopping its operation, a global extinction crisis.

The only chance for Terrans is Pandora’s Box.

Participate in the game within the box, find the lost item within, and redeem Earth.

Thus, the Terrans went mad.


Ning Buwen, possessed by the spirit of a drama queen and loving money as much as his life, opened his own Pandora’s Box.

Received his own newbie gift pack — a Shiba Inu.

Starting with a dog, passing levels by howling.

Faced with such a bleak reality, Ning Buwen established his own life goal here.

“When I redeem Earth, I’ll make all Terrans pay me ransom!”

“The next global richest person will be me!”

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Dìqiú shúhuí zhōng
Redeeming Earth
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