Duke’s Son: Re


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National Treasure (국보)—a title reserved for heroes worthy of universal respect.

These are individuals who dedicate their bodies, minds, and skills to their utmost limits to protect their nation’s defense and honor.

Their existence is directly tied to the strength and prestige of the nation.

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공작아들 :Re
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New Specterbomb rated it
December 26, 2024
Status: c31
It's pretty good.

His father used to be top 3 fighter in the country but got screwed by politics and is in a coma. His older siblings are lunatic criminals. Everyone hates his family.

Best part so far is the characters. We have yet to meet a single sane person. They're all off their rockers in the best way possible, especially the Main Character.

... more>> Overall, give it a try.

Oh, as for negatives. First couple chapters the dialogue is a but hard to decode who's talking, and later on whatever copy paste they used to scan the original work didn't copy skill names and no one noticed because there's missing stuff all over.

Still worth a try. <<less
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