Drunken Spring


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Rumor has it that General Chu Yi of the Great Qi is a gloomy and impotent pe*vert.

After the defeat of Yu Country, a pile of treasures and beauties were sent over. According to the customs of Da Qi, these spoils of war were to be auctioned. As a result, Chu Yi won the auction for the final treasure – Yu Lin, the little prince of Yu Country, famous for his beauty.

Spectator A: Why would Marshal Chu, who is impotent, buy a beauty to bring home?

Spectator B: I heard that the little prince of Yu has slept with all the women in the brothels of Yu Country. Maybe he can cure General Chu.

Yu Lin: Why did he buy me if he’s not going to sleep with me? Why! I’m furious!

Chu Yi: We must be dignified and respectful. Only after marriage can I touch him.

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