Drunken Flower Room


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At first, he said:

“A lowly concubine-born daughter from Jiangning? What kind of worthless status is that? I won’t marry her!”

After meeting her, he clicked his tongue:

“So frail and delicate, like she’d snap with the slightest touch. Too weak—I don’t want her!”

When she showed up at his door alone, holding their betrothal contract, he leaned against the doorframe with an infuriating smirk.

“Come to make me marry you? But this young master has no intention of marrying so young!”

But when he found out she was there to break off the engagement, his face turned completely dark. Gloomy and mu*derous, he growled,

“Who gave you the audacity to cancel my engagement?”

Su Rong thought to herself, The Duchess of Duanhua must be blind. Why would anyone be so obsessed with this spoiled brat, willing to die for him?

If she had known, she would’ve thrown the annulment papers in his face the very first time they met.

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