Dream of Affection


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Crown Princess Shim Seo-hye is confined to the cold palace after her family is charged with treason while Crown Prince Lee Yeon is away at war. After being locked in the palace, she begins to have vivid, surreal dreams that seem incredibly lifelike. Another dream, she muses, these dreams always trouble me. In these dreams, Crown Prince Lee Yeon has become a fair but cold emperor, and she becomes the emperor’s “child,” despite being once his wife.

In her dreams, Seo-hye lives as a twelve-year-old princess, experiencing a future that reflects what might come to pass. Events unfolding in the real world start to affect the reality within her dreams. Caught in the relentless and unpredictable schemes of palace intrigue, Seo-hye holds onto her love for Crown Prince Lee Yeon, navigating her fate through the tangled worlds of dream and reality.

The story is complemented by illustrations created by Noksi.

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