Dragon Knight Chronicles ~ From a mere mercenary, rise to success through tactics! A small harem with the princess and the lord’s daughter!? I’ll also develop my territory! ~


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Unified for 560 Years――

King Karl of the Owen Alliance Kingdom, who rules over three nations, led a large army westward and attacked the Garland Trading Nation.

At this time, the sword master mercenary Shinker joined the fight on the Owen Kingdom’s side. Unfortunately, the battle ended in defeat. However, during his escape, he rescued a princess who had been accosted by rogues. Due to this achievement, he was promoted to a knight in the kingdom.

Using this as a stepping stone, he began to rise through the ranks. Sometimes employing dirty tactics to defeat enemies, he navigated the complexities of warfare unique to mercenaries and made rapid progress in his career.

Eventually, he found an opportunity to acquire a small domain… but the condition for obtaining this territory was to marry the daughter of the rebellious lord.

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aPizza rated it
August 7, 2024
Status: c21
I guess it's not bad. The only problem have with this is that the pacing is nonstop. He's always doing something, giving the story and development no time to breathe.

His interaction with each character is so short. There is literally no harem yet. The princess seems to have interest, but it looks platonic so far. The lord's daughter has no character whatsoever. He has more screentime with his vassals than with them. The romance genre doesn't exist, why is this even included?

If the story was given time for the characters... more>> to interact with each other and bond, this would be a really good novel. But, so far, it's mediocre. Nonetheless, decent read if you like medieval wartime setting and development, I guess. <<less
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