Dr. Shin Seonhan: The Doctor Who Sees the Future


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‘What if a doctor could see the future?’

10,000 patients a day, over 6,000 medical staff.

Yeonguk University Hospital, the pinnacle of Korea’s medical community.

In this place where the lives of countless patients hang in the balance, there’s no room for even a moment’s carelessness.

Shin Seonhan, a low-ranking intern who dreams of becoming the best surgeon.

One day, he starts seeing the “future”!

• A diverse cast of characters and vivid medical scenes, brought to you by a current thoracic surgeon. The freshest medical drama unfolds before your eyes right now.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Dr. 신선한 : 미래를 보는 의사
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New blumischief rated it
November 13, 2024
Status: Completed
I really enjoyed the novel; it's one of those stories that sneaks up on you, and you don't even realize how invested you are until it's almost over. As it nears the end, you find yourself hoping it won't conclude just yet. It's an engaging read, with the main character being a bit of a genius and possessing a unique, somewhat overpowered ability—though not to the point where it feels unrealistic. My only complaint is that it ended too soon, just as the character was beginning their first year of... more>> residency. Thankfully, there are extra chapters that offer a glimpse into the future and provide some additional backstory for the secondary characters. I think this would make an incredible drama if it were ever adapted! <<less
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