Don’t Marry a Rough Man or a Military Officer; In the ’70s, I Absolutely Refuse to be a Stepmother


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The entire novel is complete, please rest assured! This is a period military marriage story, sweet and heartwarming, with a clean and refreshing plot, double purity, following the army, and a satisfying revenge.

In her previous life, Zhan Xinyue was tricked by her adoptive mother and married a rough country man with two children. Meanwhile, her adoptive mother’s daughter, Zhan Hongyan, stole her arranged marriage and married a young and promising handsome military officer.

After marriage, the rough country man became a wealthy businessman, showering Zhan Xinyue with love and affection, while their two stepsons were also well-behaved and adorable.

However, Zhan Hongyan, who married the military officer, ended up living a lonely life, and in her loneliness, she had affairs with multiple people. Ultimately, she died during childbirth.

Unexpectedly, both Zhan Xinyue and Zhan Hongyan were reborn.

In this life, Zhan Hongyan was the first to choose the rough country man, dreaming of becoming a wealthy wife.

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