Don’t Learn Mandarin Ducks


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The Zhuang Lady sent her dog, Yin Huayue, to keep an eye on him and confine him. She is cold-blooded and hypocritical, and always has a fake smile on her face. Helping him get ready, combing his hair, and lighting the lamps. Awake for twelve hours a day, Li Jingyun spends ten hours thinking about how to make her leave. But after that, she actually left. He became anxious.

Despite our brief time together, we are not appreciated despite our strength. Rather be alone, instead of withering alongside with another.

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2 Reviews sorted by

haruhi91 rated it
September 17, 2022
Status: Completed
A nice novel with an unsatisfactory ending. I read the MTL, it was tough and I surely missed some nuances of the plot so I hope the translators will keep going.

Yin Huayue and Li Jingyun are a funny bickering couple, both have a distinct personality and their own goals. The ML is arrogant but constant in his feelings for the MC whereas she is mostly focused on her revenge while trying to keep a smiley and innocent facade. The novel flows quickly and it's entertaining with the right mix of... more>> some romance, some political intrigues and the search of revenge. Much space is also given to secondary characters.

However, the ending is very underwhelming:


She gets her revenge and decides to leave the ML, one day after giving birth to his two twin children. She takes one the of the children and disappears. I honestly didn't feel too much regret on her part. After two years they meet again. I thought they would recoincile and the love flame would rekindle. Instead all we get is some lame final chapters which can be summarized with "the ML keeps following her and the MC becomes accustomed to his presence. The end". There is no real reconciliation or some real talk about the past with a sweet closure. I am disappointed.

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fortune.cookie rated it
February 11, 2023
Status: c14
Really nice balance between humor, angst, and romance right now. I read another review and I think I like the direction of this novel. Please someone pick this up.
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