Don’t Die, It’s Not Your Body


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Don’t worry, you deserve to be happy.

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Felo rated it
August 9, 2024
Status: c6
"Don't Die, "It's Not Your Body" is a book of tragedy, where our MC slowly heals over time as they meet kind people. At least, that's the impression as of chapter 6. The setting is based in Korea, after some kind of magical awakening in the world occurred. The MC has magical powers that can grant wishes in exchange for sacrifices on the MC's part, whether by flesh or similar..... The first couple of chapters are hard to read with the amount of trauma the MC goes through in people... more>> taking advantage of this ability, and nearly made me drop it.... But thankfully, it starts to lighten up in the following chapters. I do want to warn you, the trauma in the first couple of chapters is not a joke - and the MC is still a young child through all of it, which really does make it hard to read.

This book really reminds me of "I Was Kidnapped By The Strongest Guild"; both novels seem to be following a similar path. Both book's chapters have a little bit of fluff as the MC inadvertently acts a little adorably/naively, but in the process exposing the trauma of their past to the adults that now take care of them. In this book, we seem to be on a path where the MC will get to properly grow up and heal in a nurturing environment, just like in Kidnapped by the Strongest Guild, thankfully.

All that said, despite the rough start, this is shaping up to be a pretty good novel. If you enjoy fluff and can get past the first couple of chapters, and the heavy subplot going onwards, it will be a great read. I look forward to the MC getting better. <<less
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