Don’t Be Too Nice!


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Just four years ago, Rustica Genas was the most gifted knight in the Caleta Empire and one of the emperor’s most trusted servants. But after challenging his will one too many times, all of her fame, glory, and power were stripped from her. Then what can poor Rustica do but shamefully fade into obscurity? Well, when the rival empire’s ruler sets his sights on winning her heart and freedom, she might have a chance to reclaim more than just her reputation. What could be waiting for her just beyond the Great Barrier?


She retired at the age of twenty-one, having lost everything.

Her swordsmanship, her magic, and even her physical strength disappeared without explanation. Rustica Genas is a former genius knight who fled the Caleta Empire to live a quiet life in the countryside, away from the ridicule and finger-pointing.

Until one day, she spots an impossibly handsome man in a local tavern, and in her drunken stupor, she does something she shouldn’t have done.

“If you take someone’s first time you’re responsible for it for the rest of your life.”

He had a great face and body, but not a very good head.

“Do you really think you lost all your powers for no reason?”

The man in front of her was the Emperor of a neighboring country. He smirked, as if he knew what he was talking about.

“By the way, are you sure you don’t remember me? We’ve met before.”

Where have Rue’s memories and powers gone? And how long is this man going to keep chasing her? Either way, it was clear that her idea of a one-night stand followed by a clean break had now gone completely out the window.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Don't Be Carelessly Kind
Don't be Kind to Strangers
Don't Be Overly Friendly
Don't Be So Nice
Don't Be Too Carelessly Friendly!
함부로 친절하지 말라
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