Don’t Be Kind to Me


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She has lived for over ten years as the childhood friend of someone she has unrequited love for.

“Judith, there is nothing in the world more precious to me than you.”

He whispers kindly with a smile, but their relationship is just that of cherished friends, nothing more.

Asel Fedelian is a cruel person.

Even if not everyone thinks so, Judith evaluates Asel as such.

Because he doesn’t have a cruel heart, he is even more cruel.

She was tired of hoping alone and getting hurt alone.

So Judith decided to cut off Asel.


As a means to push Asel away, she got engaged to another man.

“I’m getting engaged to you, but that doesn’t mean I cherish you as my fiancée.”

An engagement without love, which was exactly what she wanted.

But even though it was clearly like that—

“What would you do if I said I like you?”

Why does Chase keep approaching her?

“I want to be by your side.”

Moreover, why is Asel trying to shake her now?

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