Don’t Ask For Mercy From The Villainess


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‘I’d make a pact with the devil if I could only have my revenge!’

Jessica, who was framed and killed even though she had put her beloved prince on the throne and dedicated everything for him.

“It’s for your sake. Isn’t it in your best interest to be for me?”

Deceived by the sweet flattery, the only thing that came back to her was the stigma of being a rare witch.

When she came back to life, she made up her mind.

‘I will take what the man who betrayed me wanted most and ruin his future.’

She approached the first prince, Salipe Ert, who was killed by her hand in a previous life, for revenge. But…

“Shall we draw up a contract then?”

“A contract?”

“Since this engagement is based on the interest of Your Highness and I, naturally we must draw up a contract.”

Jessica unfolded the black fan in her hand and covered her face. The edges of her mouth lifted slightly. Salipe was speechless seeing those serious, smiling eyes.

Facing the gentle gaze, the mischievous and sparkling light in her eyes, he felt as if someone was squeezing his heart.

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Realvnv rated it
December 7, 2021
Status: c17
Seeing there're no reviews, I shall set my pure soul aflame with tiny hope of enlightening ya all~!

Or sth like that.

Anyways, before reading this novel, I really didn't mind the low rates cause yeah I thought I would be the chosen one and find a diamond in the rough.

... more>> I wasn't able to discern between good and bad intentions, I was naive...

MC was... Let me quote her:

‘I will never forgive you. I will die and become the Devil to punish you all. O God! Do not forgive those who have no faith.’

Since you don't know a thing about MC chick here, you may find this sentence normal, classic, even. So I find the need to point out that she killed be it her enemies or those who're good to her, doesn't believe in god 'cause her ex was her religion, being called a "witch" simply because of how evil she was, and wouldn't regret a thing if it weren't for her ex's betrayal.

So when she uttered the sentence above, I got a quick glimpse at the true nature of this MC, and my interest in this novel quickly dimmed, even tho we were just 1 chapter in lmao.

She's s*upid, in a way that always manages to attribute her misfortune to someone else's fault, a huge ass hypocrite, and petty individual overall.

Another one, imagine killing a friend who was genuinely nice to you because your lover said so, then blame the lover afterward. I have 2 things to say about this:

  1. Darling, you were just too much of a pushover to just not push, even I have the urge to use you.
  2. If you really killed your supposedly "dear friend" because of sum words, then I guess this "friend" of yours wasn't that dear after all?
I'm not saying I haven't ever seen an evil protag, but I assure you, she's just a petty white-eyed wolf and her master revenge plan is nothing more than finding a capable man (possibly from the imperial family) to back her up.

Time for another quite~!

"... wasn’t just a ‘young lady’ but a ‘noblewoman’ who was skilled at doing trickery.

‘I shouldn’t challenge her if I don’t stand the chance.’"

Dunno who said this one, probably the dead friend in her 2nd life. Wonder the reason she said that? Simple, MC just glared at her.

That glare tho, it wasn't that simple. It had the power to freeze the atmosphere, crystalize the blood flowing in your veins, damage your internal organs... She is but one step away from becoming a cultivator.

Like, with this as a standard for "viciousness", we might as well call stage performers devils' incarnates.

You know what we call this? Good old "tell not show".

We know she's a badass, know she's vicious, know she's more familiar with plotting against ppl than plotting plants... In reality tho, she's just a wuss.

Let me slowly conclude this review lol, or else I'll be rambling 3 days straight.

Ehm, not worth it, don't even think about it, run away without looking back. <<less
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