Dominate Another World with a Brainwashing Skill!? No, If Anyone Finds Out, I’ll Be Executed, So I’ll Live Honestly and Upright!


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After a lifetime as an overworked corporate drone, I decided my second chance at life in a fantasy world would be spent in peace and comfort.

Then came my fifteenth birthday.

The skill I received from the gods was… Brainwashing!?

“Alright, let’s brainwash some cute girls and build a harem!”

…Wait, no, no, no! If anyone finds out about this skill, I’m dead, aren’t I!?

And I can only brainwash one person at a time!?

Fine, if that’s the case, I’ve got no choice!

The first person I’ll brainwash… is myself!

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Taking Over Another World with a Brainwashing Skill?! No Way, If People Find Out, I'll Be Executed! So, I'll Just Live Honestly and Peacefully.
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1 Review

Dec 13, 2024
Status: c12
The title of this novel is false advertising. Rather, it's misleading.

"Brainwashing" is controlling another person with some drugs or magic powers. The main character Hugh Pnosis can somehow grant himself powers with brainwashing, virtually eliminating any tension or clever use of this skill. A villain with resistance to mental skills? Just destroy him with a giant fireball. An enemy too fast to see? Just stop time. These are hypothetical examples, but I would not be surprised if the author just gave whatever power Hugh needed to win. I don't... more>> think the author thought the powers of his/her story through.

This can be enjoyable for power fantasy readers, but don't expect any actual good worldbuilding.

For readers who want a story where brainwashing is used effectively, I would suggest Code Geass. <<less
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