Doctor Said I Can Only Eat Soft Rice


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Esport champion, entertainment industry film emperor, a wise and benevolent ruler, and conqueror of infinite worlds… Each of them had spent half a lifetime fighting their way to the top, overcoming numerous challenges within their respective fields. Now, given a second chance at life, they were done with striving and simply wanted to enjoy a life of luxury and ease.

Reading Guide:

☆ Chi Ruan Fan is the top, while Jin Zhu is the bottom, and they mutually spoil each other.

☆ Each ARC is a self-contained story where the MC and ML have no knowledge of previous ARCs. At the beginning of each ARC, the MC regresses to the start of their career or hardship.

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1 Review

Aug 15, 2024
Status: c12
I may be a bit biased as a British person, but I LOVE the usage of slang! To me, it's a choice that blends well with the arc, seeing as no gamer always speaks in proper words, and it makes it more of a fun, lighthearted read for me. This is my first ever review, but I have read some of the translator's other works and they're some of the most legible translations I've read! If I wasn't a student, I'd definitely tip!! Keep up the good work Inky Dragon!!💖💖

Edit:... more>> OMG!! I got noticed!! Thanks for the chapter Inky Dragon!!💖🥰 <<less
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