Do Your Own Revolution


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Getting abandoned after a revolution is this game’s ending, so why should I do it?

Do your own revolution. I’ll live my own life.

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New sheru rated it
November 29, 2024
Status: c78
The start was strong and the translation quality is great, so that hooked me in. This review is pretty lengthy and in-depth about the things I want to yap on about for this novel. But I think I might've covered a bit too much on the negatives as part of the warning, since I think they're pretty big aspects that some readers won't be able to look past/prefer not to be in their novels. By all means however, I think this novel is well-written and you should give it a... more>> try if you feel like you don't mind the things in the warning.

The story follows a guy who gets isekai'd into the body of Eugene Lorentz, the hero of the revolutionary army who is eventually betrayed after his use is up. Although the story doesn't initially expand on the full context, the information is given at the perfect rate, so it's easy to digest while gradually forming a greater understanding of the full picture. The details and specifics of how this came to be is told immaculately through the spread of the chapters, and slowly we're able to understand how the protagonist fell into that position in the first place.

Another thing this story does well is that the characters other than Eugene don't feel that NPC, where something happens to them and they're unable to respond and still stubbornly stick to their original plan in the first timeline. Smart characters are smart, and that applies to the side-characters/villains who are able to decipher Eugene's plans, consistently creating an atmosphere filled with tension as we don't know if Eugene can make it out safely.

an early example for this would be the response of the count in the early arc who didn't just welcome Eugene back after he fell into enemy territory but instead doubted him and locked him up even after he felt like he had sufficient reason to believe him.


Warning: this probably isn't for everyone. The protagonist, Eugene, is most certainly not a "good guy" if you couldn't already tell from the synopsis and chapter 0 prologue. It's not that he's bad (? debatable) but he's just someone who prioritizes survival over anything else, and is willing to do anything in order to survive. If you're expecting a MC with morals, this isn't for you.

I think that the author willing to go through with making Eugene do bad actions is refreshing in its own way, though — oftentimes webnovels will advertise their characters as being "evil" but lack the will to go through with it to portray them in a negative light for fear of the audience disliking them. Like doing bad things but only to bad people sort of way, and ending up forgiving them or the like.

But tangent aside, Eugene is not like that. He's cruel, and he really is someone who would stop at nothing to survive. He doesn't trust anyone, and this initially worried me in the first 20ish chapters or so (about 2 short arcs) because although it had a strong start, I wasn't sure where the novel could go from there on out.

he seemed to be constantly switching sides, not that I minded that but I was worried the entire novel would just be him going back and forth, thankfully that wasn't the case

After reading the raws past the initial first 20 chapters, I can safely say his direction becomes clear soon after and it's been an interesting journey.

Is Eugene a likeable protagonist?...I don't know. That's subjective, but I don't particularly like the guy I think. I sympathize with him and I think his logic is sound and he's definitely he lesser of the evils within the Empire and will have the most realistic plan to bringing a more equal state to the social balance of the Empire. On the other hand I sometimes feel conflicted because sometimes I disagree with his actions / they made me sad but to be fair it's within his character that's been clearly built up from the beginning. I don't think his character has made it a problem for me to continue reading though — I don't think it's necessary to have a likeable protagonist for a good story, and this one is an example of that. If anything it makes it more interesting to see.

This story is dabbles in politics but is still written in a way that isn't too convoluted to understand what's happening, so I don't think understanding the political plot will be too difficult. It can be easily simplified into

there's 3 political powers in the Empire, the magic-wielding nobles, the imperialists, and the revolutionary army. the imperialists have been greatly weakened because of the magic nobles' activities and have become their puppets in the original timeline, but thanks to Eugene, they are able to emerge as the third power once again and has the best chance of actual reform for the empire since they hold power but also care about the people.


I think a missed opportunity with this novel is the side-characters. This novel heavily focuses on Eugene and that I'm fine with, I'm just a bit worried for his mental state in the long-run because eventually I hope he can find a place he feels safe in. There are lots of side-characters with plenty of potential that don't get a lot of screentime sadly, such as

Keiran, his adoptive father T_T

I understand Eugene has a very businesslike relationship with everyone but I wish he could learn to trust people. Seeing the original ending makes sense as to why he doesn't, but if he's going to live his whole life in the Empire, it'll be really tiring to keep his guard up all the time and ultimately he can never feel at ease.

Irene I feel like is another missed opportunity, she has a background with a level of trauma similar to Eugene

knifehead (assassin training) for Eugene while Irene was experimented on

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New azuron rated it
November 25, 2024
Status: c18
A strong start and a very promising novel. The characters are really interesting, there is plenty of action scenes which are neither too edgy nor too soft. The protagonist's struggles and limitations are pretty well established. The isekai is not too much of a deus ex machina. The plot progresses at a good pace. Excited to see where it goes. 9.5/10

Update c18:

Wheezed through the first arc in 3 hours while working. Translation quality and writing are peak. The twists and turns are amazing and the chapters are super generous... more>> sized. 9.9/10 <<less
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