Do You Think Someone Like You Can Defeat the Demon King? (WN)


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According to the god’s prophecy, the girl Flamm was chosen to be one of the members of the demon king’s subjugation journey.

Everyone was a hero possessed a top class power. However, for some reason only Flamm did not possess the power to fight, and all of her status values were 0.

While having ashamed thoughts, nevertheless she continued to put great efforts to be useful to the heroes.

However, one day, she was tricked by one of the party members, said that she “was not necessary anymore,” and sold off to a s*ave trader.

Flamm was forced to live within a coarse environment as a s*ave.

However, there she encountered a “cursed sword,” and realized the true value of the weakest power “Inverse.”

The girl, who acquired the power to fight, was honestly indifferent to the demon king already and decided to live peacefully as an adventurer alongside a girl s*ave she met.

——This is a story of one girl who continued to crawl up from the very bottom in order to regain her peaceful everyday life.

Associated Names
One entry per line
"Omae Gotoki ga Maou ni Kateru to Omou na" to Gachizei ni Yuusha Party wo Tsuihou Sareta node, Outo de Kimama ni Kurashitai
ROLL OVER AND DIE: I Will Fight for an Ordinary Life with My Love and Cursed Sword! (LN)
Related Series
Do You Think Someone Like You Can Defeat the Demon King? (LN) (Light Novel)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Currently Reading
  2. JP novels - Read Later
  3. Tbr gl
  4. enjoyed my time
  5. Female mc third part

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22 Reviews sorted by

SovietWeeb rated it
September 6, 2018
Status: c8
I am honestly disappointed by the lack of attention this has. The plot is intriguing enough and the first chapter showed lots of potentials. They managed to set up a villain that isn't so evil that he just becomes annoying but just evil enough as to make us the audience hate him and want to see him dead. The story does also set up intrigue. I genuinely want to see the MC become powerful and beat the hell out of everyone that wronged her and eventually reunite with her family. I hope we get more of this. I see this as being a great story with more chapters. Hell, It even has Yuri so how can it go wrong?

Edit: 1-7-19

Chapter 8 has been out since the second of January, I am very happy that the story was picked up. As of now, This is the only Light Novel that I am invested in.

I do like Flamm, I'd defiantly say she is a tragic protagonist done right and after rereading "The Story of Drifted Girls in Different World ~The Adventure of Claire~" That also has a tragic protagonist but done poorly, I can't help but admire this story that much more. The story doesn't have anything over the top tragic like mutilation or societal ab*se. But I do feel for Flamm as she suffers due to Jean and his massive ego, Resulting in Flamm's current position.

Even though we got a part I believe around an interlude with the rest of the hero party that seemed a bit rushed, The story manages to keep a really nice pace going for the most part.

I will admit that the MC only escaping the situation she's put in due to luck kind of annoyed me, I have always been of the Mindset that characters only managing to do something cause of X happening is kind of annoying.


Flamm just so happens to have been sold to a s*aver that holds a cursed weapon and with Flamm's special skill that is one of a kind to be a benefit when using cursed items is kind of obnoxious


I am loving the relationship between Flamm and the escaped s*ave (I can't remember her name) I find it kind of funny, interesting, charming and a bit sad as Flamm has to deal with a s*ave that is so used to being a s*ave that she isn't used to not having a master or not taking ab*se. I honestly love it that you can see the seedlings of the girl starting to trust Flamm bit by bit. I completely recommend this story if it is any part of a genre you like.
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jacobk rated it
January 2, 2019
Status: c15
I'm the latest translator, so I'm biased, but I do think this story is legitimately good. I have two main reasons: (1) the fight scenes are good, and (2) the novel does a good job navigating between the natural extremes of the genre without falling into over-edginess, or over-opness.

I'm a guy who loves a good fight scene. Most light novels are pretty terrible in that area, unfortunately. Either you get a one sided curb stomp or you get turn based combat where people shout moves at each other. In this... more>> story, the fight scenes are surprisingly good. The author does a good job projecting the sort of visceral feeling of a real fight with real stakes, the fights go back and forth, and the MC usually has to both persevere through adversity and use her head to win.

It's a small thing, but it is a nice change of pace from the "I'm OP so I wander around crushing mobs and awkwardly flirting with my harem" crowd.

As to the overall structure, basically it's a crappy world but an optimistic MC. The mix of the two produces a unique tone.

Also, the crappiness of the world is more realistic than a lot of the crappy worlds out there. People who go through horrible experiences have lasting mental trauma. People in general are greedy and selfish and look down on s*aves. The adventurer's guild is an employer of last resort for dirtbags, so the people who hang out there are mostly dirtbags. That kind of thing.

The cheerfulness of the MC balances out the darkness of the world. She's not stewing over revenge, she just wants a nice life for herself. One big contrast between this and I Was Kicked out of the Hero's Party Because I Wasn't a True Companion is that Flamm really has to struggle for that good life. Gideon settled down in his new town and was instantly the baddest dude around, while Flamm is starting from square one and trying to figure things out.

Overall, it's a pretty unique little story. <<less
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kawaii12345 rated it
March 17, 2020
Status: --
The premise is interesting if rather s*upid. You have the MC a national hero being sold into s*avery (minor... more>>

because a party member wants to make time with the primary hero


But by God this gets worse as it goes on it reads like some sort of violent lesbian power trip, something that normally would be interesting, but somehow this novel managed to kill it. Also I can't see how how anyone who has made it through the first few chapters can see this as cute and fluffy. You have kids with their eyes sewn shut, the MC sold into s*avery, another young girl that was a s*ave to woman with a mutilation fetish and that's just early on. Any cute or fluffy element is consistently offset by gore. It's at the point I hope the author lives in a building where they can't have pets for the sake animals in Japan. Instep with the absurd gore, the story telling drops like a rock. You get deus ex machina after deus ex machina, people that hove no motivation that's even remotely comprehensible

The big bad's goal is toe exterminate all life, really just how do you recruit for that ? Great Retirement Benefits ?

. If the MC goes up in power the enemy goes up way more but still the hero wins BECAUSE. Seriously if you are going do an RPG stat based novel try to give them a little meaning. In the end I wished it was a physical book I was reading so I could tear it up or burn it. <<less
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NemuiBagel rated it
August 23, 2020
Status: Completed
Just finished reading it in jp. Did not expect anyone to try and combine Junji Ito's works with fantasy genre, but damn, that author just went straight for it. I'm not gonna lie, the story has a fair share of plot-holes, but comparing it to a lot of other works I've read that came from syosetu, this one is definitely a cut above the rest.

No idea if English translation is any good, but I quite enjoyed the way original is written.

I've seen some guy in the comments writing the following:

"Seriously... more>> if you are going do an RPG stat based novel try to give them a little meaning."

Sorry to disappoint, but this story does NOT revolve around RPG stats nor the game elements. It's Horror and Gore first, and everything else comes second. And in my opinion, author makes it pretty clear. For the most part stats in this novel simply exist to show how strong is an item or an individual. Though author still managed to find a pretty clever way to use scan ability a couple of times.

For those who want to read this. Just know that the genres for this are mostly Action + Horror. Though yuri in this is pretty nice, it only ever fully develops in the latest chapters. <<less
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Diddler rated it
October 2, 2019
Status: c19
The premise of this story is interesting, a girl who powers up through cursed equipment and has the ability to inverse seals and curses. Even with this ability, the protagonist is not overpowered. Healing spells damage her, and she's useless without her equipment. A word of warning for people who came for the Yuri tag: don't go into this novel expecting explicit yuri scenes. The most you'll get from this is hugs, hand holding, and cuddles.

The writing is pretty bland. There's no twists or surprises in the plot. We know... more>> who's the bad guy, and who's the good guy. Church bad. Demon good. Now it's just a matter of waiting for the next hundred chapters for the MC and friends to power-up and figure it out. There's not much to it.

Half of it reads like a slice of life all about cooking and cute fluffy yuri. The other half has detailed and gruesome horror. One chapter MC will be laughing and eating Japanese cuisine with her harem, the next chapter someone's getting brutally mu*dered. The pacing is erratic, and the author slams event after event at the reader without bothering to build up the protagonist's abilities or add character development other than the occasional fluffy friendship scene. Let's be honest, fluffy slice of life yuri and gore do not mix well. The slice of life elements are distracting, and have derailed the story more than once. If you can't mix them well then pick one or the other, author.

Nobody in this novel uses their head, which makes the story incredibly unbelievable. The demons are just chill sitting back, and letting the heroes slaughter them. They don't even bother uprooting the corrupt churches at all. The MC doesn't stop and think "hmm... cursed equipment. Nobody else has a use for it, it's cheap as hell, and it's literally f*cking everywhere." She has a chance to ask for whatever she could possibly wish for, as a result of completing someone's request. And it never crosses her mind to ask for a pile of cursed equipment.

The translation is so-so. The translator is obviously not a native English speaker. It's readable, but it's to the point where I wish they'd drop the series and let another group pick it up. Updates seem sporadic. Sometimes they're weekly, sometimes every other month.

But I mean, seriously? You're telling me that NOBODY in the hero's party ever thought "Inverse.. hmm sounds cool. Maybe it.. uhh.. f*cking works on weapons?" <<less
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Sherrynity rated it
December 23, 2018
Status: c3
I'm expecting an antihero but so far the future looks bleak.

MC (a girl ofc) joined the hero party thanks to prophecy made by the God, even though her ability seems useless. The sage in that party didn't like her because the hero (a girl too ofc) was too attached to her (even though she didn't act like that), so he decided to tricked the low self-esteem MC into s*avery. He lied to MC, saying the whole fiasco about selling her to s*ave trader was a unanimous decision of the party,... more>> and that made MC fell into despair.

At this point, I was expecting some nice revenge. It doesn't needs to be edgy like Nidome no Yuusha, just a slow, sweet revenge is enough. And yet... the MC acts as if she has learned just how cruel the world can be, but still pretty trusting to random people.

I just hope her character will get a qualitative change. I don't care in which direction, just... make her character consistent, please. The whole time I read this, I keep screaming inside "girl, get your sh¡t together!". Even though I like the premise, but the execution is still a bit lacking...

But hey, there are still a lot of room for improvement. For now, despite my disappointment, I sure can give this novel at least 3 stars, just from the premise.


Moreover, just like what SovietWeeb said,

It even has Yuri so how can it go wrong? <<less
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SunnyShim rated it
July 7, 2021
Status: v4
First of all, I've read up to the end of volume 3 about a year or two ago as it was translated a long time ago, which wasn't translated by Kuro but by Baka-Tsuki and it isn't linked here as they purged the links though I luckily found the files with the wayback machine.

This story is quite interesting with it's main concept of the MC being able to reverse the effects of cursed items. The first half of the story has the introduction of MC and then has MC and... more>> friends

fight against an organization with each arc detailing about each of the three parts of organization creating their own method of making a super weapon.


The story has quite cute moments while also really interesting fights and conecepts so I recommend it to Yuri fans and others that are looking to see what type of monstrosities exist in this world. <<less
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waffletrash rated it
August 4, 2020
Status: c26
This sh*t is dopeeee. Its def plot driven, with characters that actually make sense. Theres real emotions that I can relate to, and a mystery thats interesting. Not to mention.. YURI HAHA. But in all seriousness, the MC is someone that cares about her friends and finds new family despite betrayal. Would really recommend! It can get dark though, with some real horror aspects of humanity. But definitely worth the read.
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Sora-chi rated it
June 1, 2019
Status: c13

This web novel are different than other yuri fantasy because of the dark element it put in. Honestly, I thought it would be normal fantasy scenario 'cept with a dash of yu**ness include. But, its not. The author throw in a dark element in it and the fighting scene are decently written that it makes this a lot enjoyable (for action-seeker). I'm looking forward for the next chapter for the next chapter and to those, reader, give this a try. Unless yuri is not your genre, then please don't... more>> even come here with your hatred. Find your typical "harem" sh*t somewhere else. <<less
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Niralam rated it
April 6, 2019
Status: c8
Honestly I like this way more than slow life at the contryside (forgot full name) one despite it having a similar plot. It's dark but not too dark. The MC does eventually get stronger, but doesn't instantly become the strongest in the world like a lot of other light novels. There seems to be a nice progression in terms of strength and in terms of character development from what I read so far. The only fault seems to be that the authors other novels are preety terrible (in my opinion)... more>> and this might gain the same flaws as it goes on. It's sad though that it looks like it might have been dropped. The last chapter was more than 3 months ago and there's been no notice about what happened to it. It would be great if someone else picked it up, but at this point it's still not certain if the translator will still not continue. <<less
4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
December 27, 2018
Status: c6
Fills a niche of fantasy yuri. Middle of the road writing; prose is okay but plot is generic so far. I'm not optimistic about this staying away from stat wank and jobbers. There's a lot of untranslated material worth withholding a rating for, but still, it's kind of bad.
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cmurat rated it
June 13, 2020
Status: c21
This is a novel that somehow feels fresh. So far, the story is engaging and you really start to care about the characters. Specifically, the MC and the FL have an interesting relationship dynamic.

There are heartwarming moments but make no mistake, this is a dark fantasy novel.

The translation quality is definitely good. My only disappointment with it is the translator started switching tenses multiple times within a sentence. It makes the reading incoherent and distracts from the story.

Overall a five star novel at this time. I will add more things... more>> to this review as we get more chapters translated. <<less
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Zahel0032 rated it
December 24, 2018
Status: c6
My real rating is 4.5/5

This novel's looking to be a pretty good story overall. My only problem is that if I didn't read the interlude, I probably would have dropped this one in chapter 4 or so. The interlude looks into the other party member's life after the events in the first two chapters and it built a whole new dynamic to the potential growth, or lack of growth, of the party members. Basically, how does the party function with a missing cog? I'd even say that it's almost more... more>> interesting to see them (as they fail) than the main character, but that may just be because I've read so many novels that I could predict what was going to happen. There's not much more to say because there's only 6 chapters, 7 if we include the interlude, but this is definitely an attention grabber. Lots of potential to be really good and I hope the story continues to deliver. <<less
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Gabi94 rated it
July 3, 2021
Status: c21
Below, I'll explain better why it's only 3 stars for me, but as the rating was affected by my personal tastes, I'll first talk about some points that can help you decide to read or not

    1. The Translation is very good, I tend to not notice many mistakes because english isn't my primary language, so I'm not 100% on this, but i've seen far worse.
    1. The writing is ok, it doesn't have a ridiculous amount of plot holes, and it isn't one of those who appear to be written... more>> by a 12 yo, (without even cohesion or a time lime well defined).
    1. The plot is heavy, and we can see that there are a lot mysterys yet to be solved.
    1. Long - very long- chapters so if you're not starting this yet because you're waiting for more chapters, I would recommend starting soon, there's more to read than it looks.
    1. There is a lot o gore, and the plots tends to move towards the "everything bad that may happen will happen" but also ~plot armor~" so if you're expecting some "game of thrones" stuff where everything can happen then forget it.
    1. Both the protagonists and villains are pretty cliche in : motive, actions, setting. (The evil church stuff is so overused)
So, here why I lost 80% of my interest in this novel.

It starts out very interesting and the amount of gore positively surprised at first. But it soon got tiring because it seemed pointless scenes just to try and make an impact that didn't add much to build tension or to overall plot.

This novel IS NOT a slice of life, which means it has a well-defined plot. But, it turns out that the plot development doesn't move at a good enough pace, with various pieces of information being added one after the other with nothing really being resolved, and the "secret" has become the main hook

I think part of the reason the plot has such a horrible pace is that the author TRIED to combine slice-of-life with horror, and it didn't work. The Novel has these moments where the protagonist is just hanging out with her friends, but the previous scene was about a gruesome monster, so it turns out you're not in the mood to focus on flirting and rainbows. While creating tension, he soon after writes a purposeless scene that its kinda annoying because you're expecting something completly different. I guess he was trying to put some light scenes to kinda break the gore a little but It doesn't work as he expected. If you want to do something like that, you have to be really good at manipulating readers' perception, creating a transition point to blend in the scenes, but we don't have that in this novel.

The romance for me is kinda forced, the scenes are kinda cringe with cliched phrases and actions, I was hoping it would develop more slowly and with a little bit of cuteness, but it turns out the protagonist is acting like a classic anime hero who lets out some embarrassing phrases and tries to feed the girl with a spoon. (The classic hero is a kind of character, who is so irritating that in most modern novels he is being written as a villain)

She seems like a male character cliche "for that person I can get over everything" is tiring really, because every time she faces something that phrase pops up. Look, cliches are a part of life, I don't mind them, I am one of those who believes cliches are cliches for a reason, it just depend on how you use it. It could have been done in a cute way but was used in the worst possible way.

I know the author tried to create a situation where the two saved each other so they're now dependent on each other with a bit of an obsession, but honestly it wasn't done well and it ends up looking forced.

The protagonist seemed to have a well-defined personality at first but soon became confused, the author doesn't want her to be too good or too cruel, and generally I like balanced characters, but in this novel for me she ended up as more a protagonist who tries to be everything and ends up being nothing. "She's the 'glue' of the party, but she's also brave and protective, but she's also pragmatic and cool when she wants to, and also funny and smart." I mean, now, I can't really tell anymore who the f this person is. This makes it much harder to like a character.

I hope it's just a phase and soon the author gets back to the quality of the beginning, but I don't know if I can make it through this part, so I'm reviewing it now. I can edit later. <<less
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yuukihino rated it
June 23, 2021
Status: --
This is amazing. I've read all the available chapters in not less than a day. I'm filled with emotions- but I can still say that the plot itself is effective for making me feel such. I happened to see the manga version of this and was quite intrigued so I tried to look deep into it. I found out that the manga's from the light novel and read it right after seeing this. I'll be waiting for the next chapter, thank you for this!
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sweetbabyalaska rated it
August 2, 2021
Status: v3
s*avery is often depicted in LN's as a "waifu store" basically, a MC will usually go buy a woman and treat her like an object and she as a s*ave will treat him with undying loyalty and love with little to no reason as to why. As if thats some heroic action. Flum is forced into s*avery and the depiction is so hard to read, as she is branded across her face with an S and treated like garbage for the rest of her life when she is completely innocent.... more>> Still she strives to survive and her biggest motivation is to unwind Milkits twisted view of the world. The accumulation of years of harsh physical ab*se, verbal degradation and being treated as an object of no value has left milkit a shell of a human. In fact she doesnt see herself as being the same or equal to others. She doesnt understand basic things and emotions and believes that she is to hand over control of herself in exchange for sustenance. Watching their relationship blossom and her to begin to start to feel human emotions is the best part of this story. The rest is extremely hard to stomach, with extremely vile villains and exteme violence and gore set the world that these two are facing. I literally cried at how awful they pair are treated, its a bitter-sweet feeling that is hard to describe <<less
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Captain ordinary
Captain ordinary rated it
July 28, 2021
Status: c1
Yuri? Adventure? Drama? Don't be focus on those tags it's the "horror" tag that you should pay attention to the thing is literally a horror story, it's so scary I was so surprised because I wasn't expecting it to be scary to that extent, it thought it about revenge hero with yuri flavor on it but I was wrong.... Anyway it's worth a read totally enjoy, even the twist was interesting
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enigmator rated it
February 9, 2019
Status: --
I just have to say, reading a few chapters ahead, that this story gets real weird pretty fast (you'll have to see it to believe it).

Apart from that, the story is fairly okay. It's an awful world with some awful characters, but not as transparently so as some other titles I won't name here.
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rakenan rated it
December 24, 2018
Status: c6
So far this story checks most of the boxes for a standard "person judged useless is brutally mistreated, becomes strong, and gets revenge and/or lives well" story, but the writing and translation both seem solid, and the plot has lots of room for interesting developments.

My only concern is that so far the MC seems to only run into pretty scummy people. But the viewpoint chapter form the other members of the hero party makes me hope that there really are some decent people in this world.
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cavler rated it
January 12, 2022
Status: Completed
i decided to read the raw's as well, and the story stays consistent. And up to the final conclusion you really don't know if the MC is going to get a happy ending or not (not gonna spoil it ofc).

i also really like that the writer dedicates time to the epilogue. He/she properly ties up loose ends and not cram them in.

personally, the fights sometimes do feel a little drawn out, but overall the story is good, if not a little (too) gory for my taste (but I couldn't stop... more>> reading). <<less
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